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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 4 February 2005

Pulteneytown Academy

Dear parent

February Newsletter � 04.02.2005

Parents� Afternoon � Our annual Open Afternoon is on Tuesday 8 February and we would be delighted to see as many parents as possible come along between 1.45 � 3 p.m. As well as visiting the classrooms your child(ren) will act as a host(s) to take you round the rest of the building and let you see any of their work on the walls, displays in the hall and join you for a drink and biscuit. There will be a number of displays in the hall, the senior resource room and P4-7 technology can be seen in Room 12. Since we are also raising money for the Tsunami Appeal on Big Heart Day (see next paragraph) there will be a raffle and tombola on the stage and P6 will be selling some of their art work. We already have enough prizes for this event.

Big Heart Day � You may have seen in the local press that all Highland schools have been asked to raise money for the Tsunami Appeal in a co-ordinated effort on Big Heart Day which is Wednesday 9 February. While the main purpose is to raise money I am sure all of you will already have contributed to this Appeal in one way or another, therefore we have a range of events which the children can take part in but which do not cost a lot of money. On this day there will be -

� Non uniform day 20p
(children either wear their uniform or pay 20p not to)
� Wear a hat to school � 20p
� Big Heart Badges � 20p
� Bouncy Castle � 20p
� Face Painting of the Big Heart Logo on one cheek � 20p
� Home Baking for tuck � 20-30p
� Bingo � 20p

Children can take part in one or all of these during the day and I will plan for them to be involved round their usual timetable. We would be delighted if any parent could provide us with home baking to sell instead of our usual tuck on that day. If you are able to, can you please make it small items which we can sell for 20p or 30p.

Spring Fayre � Unfortunately, due to a training course which I must attend, the date of this has been changed to Wednesday 23 March (second last day of term). Details in the March Newsletter.

Handbook � The 2005 version has now been printed, and if you would like a copy of this please complete the tear-off slip and return it to school.

Whatever Magazine � I have been given free copies of this new magazine for children and have distributed them to all pupils in the school. I have no further information as the pile of magazines did not even come with a covering letter. However, having glanced through them there does not appear to be any items which children should not see and some which look to be positively appealing to pupils.

PSA Meeting � My apologies for missing this meeting. It has been a very disruptive term and with so many things going on I am afraid it just slipped my mind. A new date will be set after the long weekend.

Mid Term Break � School will be closed on Thursday 10 February and re-open on Tuesday 15 February at the usual time.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher


Handbook 2005

Child�s Name: ������������������������. Class: ���..