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Newsletter Index

Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

School Calendar

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 3 October 2005

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 03.10.05

Blythswood Appeal � The school would again like to be involved in filling shoeboxes for this very worthy cause. Please see the attached letter for details and if you can possibly manage to spare anything we would be delighted to accept it. Any item on the list will do as we will make up the boxes in school.

PSA Reminder � Do not forget � Committee Meeting on Mon 24 October at 7 p.m. followed by an Open Meeting at 7.30 p.m. for ANYONE who would like to help organise and decorate the hall for the Halloween Party.

Sick Children � Might I appeal to you that you decide in the morning whether your child is fit or not fit for the school and either send them or keep them at home. At the moment a number of parents send their child to school and tell them that if they continue to feel unwell or feel worse they should tell the teacher or Carole in the office. I can assure you that if you say that to your child then they will do exactly that whether they feel worse or not and it puts staff in a very difficult position. If you think your child�s condition may deteriorate then please contact the office directly and we will keep an eye on them without you putting this suggestion in their heads.

Donation to School � On Friday the school was very lucky to receive �500 from Subsea 7 as we were nominated by Mr Michael Steven (Fiona P1�s dad) to receive this money. This will be going towards making the new infant playground a fun place to be.

Missing Clothing � Emily Morison P1 has lost a button thro� black cardigan. This has her name on it held on with a taggit. I would be obliged if you could check and see if this has been brought home by your child by mistake.

Swimwear/PE Kit � My thanks to those of you who handed in costumes, towels etc for us to use with pupils in an emergency. We now have enough. Unfortunately, now that pupils know this is available the number of children forgetting their swimwear and PE kit is on the rise. Up until now the school has undertaken the washing of these but this is now becoming very time consuming and costly and from now on these will be sent home. I would be obliged if they could be washed, dried and returned first thing on a Monday morning so that staff do not have to waste their time chasing these up. Everyone was issued with a swimming timetable if their child was going swimming this term and should know when this kit is needed. If you have lost your copy please let us know and we can supply you with another one. Bringing PE kit is also a problem for some children and I would, therefore, be obliged if ALL children could bring their PE kit with them on a Monday morning and take it home on a Friday evening for washing. In this way children will always have their PE kit even if the day has to be changed.

Reading Questionnaires � Many thanks. 72% of people have returned this. As I will not be collating the results until later this week and over the holidays if you can still find this, and could take a minute to complete it, I would still appreciate further returns.

Forthcoming Events

  • Tues 4 Oct (tomorrow) Cake Day (30p)

  • Mon 31 Oct P1-3 will be going to Wick High School to a production of Katie Morag. Permission slips will follow after the holidays.

  • Tues 1 & Wed 2 Nov. Parents� Evenings � Appointment slips will be issued after the holidays (not Nursery).

  • Mon 7 & Tues 8 Nov - School closed for In- Service training.

  • Wed 9 Nov � Curriculum Information Evening for parents on reading.

Yours sincerely

Head Teacher