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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 29 June 2005

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 29.06.05
This is definitely the last Newsletter of the session.

Disco � This was a great success last night. My thanks to all the staff who were able to come along. I think the children had a great time and they were all very well behaved.

School Meals � The cost of these is increasing to �1.50 after the summer much to the relief of the office staff who will no longer need 5p pieces! The SNAG (School Nutrition Action Group) which consists of pupils, parent, the cook and myself have chosen the six weekly menus from a choice of twelve which we were given. You will be given a copy of this six week menu on the first day of term. Meanwhile, I can tell you that the choice on 16 August will be Vegetable Soup, Sweet & Sour Pork or Turkey/Ham Salad.

BBQ � After all bills were paid the magnificent sum of �1524.54 was raised. Again my thanks to everyone who helped in any way.

Uniform � There is one order remaining in the school office. This is probably for a child in either the Nursery or P1. There was no name on the order form so if someone is still awaiting their order please call at the school office to collect.

Health Promotion Accreditation � The school had its Accreditation Visit on Monday and while we have not yet received the Certificate I have been told by the team that we have been awarded a Level 4 which is the highest level which can be achieved.

Circus � The circus is coming to town on 11-13 July and we have been given a number of half price leaflets. I will give everyone in school one of these and will probably have some left over if you would like a second one.

Other Summer Events � We have recently given out leaflets with a booking form for the events being arranged by the Sports Development Officer. Children were also given a leaflet indicating what would be going on in the Youth Club over the summer and along with this Newsletter you will find a leaflet from Pulteneytown Parish church giving details of their Holiday Club which runs from 8-14 August for P1-7 pupils. Ross County FC Summer Programme will take place from 4-8 July in the Lower Bignold Field at a cost of �25 per child. Bookings should have been made through a leaflet handed out earlier in the term. I would encourage parents to get their children involved in these activities as I am sure the children will enjoy them very much.

I look forward to seeing you at the Assembly on Friday at 10.45 a.m.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 27.06. 05

BBQ � First of all a huge thanks to everyone who was able to lend a hand during the day or earlier in the week and also to those who took responsibility for a stall during the evening. Everything went well despite the weather and a great time seemed to be had by everyone. We took in �1965 during the course of the evening but there are still many bills to pay and a final figure is not yet available but I suspect in the region of about �1500 profit. There are still lots of tombola tickets and prizes and this will do for the next event. The sweets that were left from the tuck will be sold off in tuck shop from tomorrow for the rest of the week, so if you do not want your child to buy sweets, etc please do not give them tuck money.

Classes For Next Year � My apologies for not being able to inform you sooner but decisions were only made towards the end of last week and this is my first opportunity to pass this information on

� P1 Mrs Ross and Mrs Budge
� P2 Mrs Shuttleworth
� P3 Miss Sutherland
� P4 Miss Falconer
� P5 Mrs Moncrieff and Mrs Swanson
� P5/6 Miss Mackay & Mrs Harper
� P6 Mrs Ferrier & Mrs Harper
� P7 Mrs Foubister
I know many parents of children in P5/6 and in P1 may be concerned as to how the team teaching situation will be managed. In order to answer your questions I will be available on Tuesday evening from 6-6.45 p.m. in Room 1 where I hope to be able to allay any fears or concerns you may have so please feel free to come along and put your mind at rest. I can assure you all staffing has been arranged to provide the best education possible for all children in the school.

Disco � The Pupil Council have requested a leavers� disco this week but have generously decided this should be open to all P4-7 pupils. Having persuaded a few staff to help out, this will be held on Tuesday evening from 7-8.30 p.m. and children are welcome to come along � no charge � but there will be a tuck shop which will again sell some very unhealthy items and water! In order to provide a selection of music children are requested to bring in CDs for me to choose from. Please ensure all of these are labelled for ease of return.

End of Term Assembly � This will be held on Friday 1 July at 10.45 a.m. Lunch will be available for those children entitled to free meals. This will be a packed lunch which the children will collect at 11.30 a.m. when the Assembly finishes and take home with them at 12.05 when the school closes. All lunches for Friday must be booked on Thursday morning.

May I take this opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful holiday, the P7s all the best for the High School and I look forward to seeing everyone else when school re-opens on Tuesday 16 August.

Yours sincerely

LILIAN M WARK(Head Teacher)