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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 24 March 2005

Dear Parent

25.03.05 � Final March Newsletter

Spring Fayre � Thank you so much for your support for this event yesterday. I am so sorry some of you were disappointed in that there was nothing left to purchase by the time you arrived. However, it is important that you remember the main point of the Spring Fayre was as an end product of �Enterprise Education� done by all the children in the school. They have learned so much about enterprise, including how to make a profit, the work involved in purchasing, production, management, sales and banking. Everyone will go away having learned a variety of things at their own level, including the staff. The children themselves will decide what to do with any profit and this will be passed on to you next term as while some classes have already decided others still have to make up their minds. I can tell you, however, the classes made the following profit �



Scottish Opera � You may be aware from local publicity that Scottish Opera will be performing Hansel & Gretel in the Assembly Rooms on the evening of Friday 29 April at 7.15 p.m. I am delighted that fourteen P6 & P7s have been chosen to join the Company to sing in the production. Parents of the children involved will receive a permission letter shortly.

Easter Break � May I wish you all a good holiday and look forward to seeing the children return on Tuesday 12 April at the usual time.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher