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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 23 May 2006

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 23.05.06

Walk to School Week � Officially this should be taking place in the current week but due to the Edinburgh trip we were not organised in time and therefore will have our own Walk to School Week from Mon 29 May � Fri 2 June. I would like to encourage as many children as possible, and their parents, to take advantage of the good weather and try and walk as far as possible to and from school. Children will be receiving diaries, stickers, etc from their class teachers.

Pulteneytown People�s Project � As you may be aware this group are raising funds to improve the facilities at the Rosebank Playing Fields. As part of their fundraising they are holding a family walk on Sun 4 June at 3 p.m. to walk from the Rosebank Grounds up Newton Hill around the forest walk and back to the Rosebank. As you know I am not a great lover of sponsored events but do feel that it is important that children from all schools take part in this event to help with this very worthwhile fundraising. If you would like your child to take part please complete the tear-off slip below and I will send you out a donation form. It is very important that children only ask for small donations from family and close friends. They must not go to doors of people they do not know to ask for money as this is in complete breach of our �Stranger Danger� education. Children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. As the form indicates, all money and forms must be handed in at the beginning of the walk.

Information for Parents � Two new leaflets have come in from the Scottish Executive � one on Personal Learning Planning and the other on Getting Involved in Your Child�s School. I have a few copies of these in reception, please help yourself. You can, of course, get this information on www.parentzonescotland.gov.uk 

Questionnaire � The Questionnaire I promised you in the last Newsletter will be with you by the end of the week, and I would very much appreciate if you could complete this and return it by Fri 2 June. Children�s names will be on the form when you get them. All those returned by 2 June will be entered into a lucky prize draw.

School Uniform � If you have not placed an order but still want uniform in time for the start of next year please do so by Fri 26 May as any orders after this date cannot be guaranteed to arrive in time.

Yours sincerely

Head Teacher


Please give me a donation form for the PPP Rosebank Improvement Family Walk

Child�s name �����������������.. Class �����.

Parent�s Signature ���������������. Date �����..