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Newsletter Index

Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education


Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 22 November 2006

Dear Parent 

Newsletter � 22.11.06

Dear Parent

* I would like to begin by saying a really big THANK YOU to all of you who donated items for the Bring and Buy sale in aid of Children in Need. The children had a great time browsing and purchased lots! I am delighted to say that from the sale, the money paid for wearing pyjamas and accessories and for shots on the bouncy castle, the children raised the wonderful total of �375.06 - Well done everyone!

* Also, thank you to everyone who came along to the jewellery party in the hall on Monday night. A terrific total of �408.00 was raised for the CEYAC.

* St. Andrew�s Day Lunch reminder � if your child has not yet returned their slip indicating what they would like to eat, could you please return it by the end of this week at the latest, thank you. We are all very much looking forward to our lunch and ceilidh on Thursday � please help your child to wear something tartan if they can on that day.

********** HIGHLAND LITERACY PROJECT **********
As a school, we are delighted to be participating in this project. It focuses on the teaching of all 4 areas of language � reading, writing, listening and talking. All staff have newly received training and are enthusiastic about developing ways of making children become better readers. Please find attached a leaflet which will give you more information about the project.

Lastly, I have also been asked to attach a letter from Mr Robertson (Director of Education, Culture & Sport) about pupil absences.

Thank you for now,

Acting Head Teacher