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Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

School Calendar

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 21 June 2005

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 21.06.05

BBQ � The heat is quite literally on with last minute preparations but obviously until we see the weather on Friday morning we will not know whether to focus on indoor or outdoor games. Donations are trickling in but feel free to open the gates and start a flash flood of bottles, baking, groceries, raffle prizes, etc as soon as possible.

In order to help us plan Friday�s face and nail painting if your child wishes to have face and/or nails painted please return the tear-off slip with money by Thursday at the latest, but preferably tomorrow. Depending on numbers we plan to start after playtime at 11 a.m. but may have to start earlier if there is too many. Anyone who can come along to face paint during the day will be more than welcome. Can you let us know if you can manage along (602649).

Helpers are still required for the various stalls. Carole now has a grid in the office if you telephone she can sign you up for an hour.

Classes for Next Year � I can now confirm that Pulteneytown Academy will retain 8 classes next year. There will be straight classes at P1-4 and P7 and I am glad to say the two huge classes (currently P4 and P5) will be made into three classes for next year thus reducing numbers considerably and it looks likely that there will be a P5 with 23 pupils, a P5/6 with 19 and a P6 with 24. I will write separately to the parents of these three classes letting them know which class their child will be placed in, who the teachers will be and why I have organised the classes in this way. I will also be free to meet with these parents on Tuesday 28 June from 7 � 8 p.m. to discuss any issues. Children will be told who their teachers will be before the end of session but as I have four new members of staff starting I would like to be able to tell them which class they will be taking before I inform parents.

Football/Netball/Rugby � The football A team were successful in securing a win in their last match against Lybster and I am delighted by the improvement they have shown as a team throughout the session. They handled defeat earlier on in the term very well indeed and have proved themselves to be goods sportsmen. The netball A team have secured 3 wins and a draw as have Wick South School and a play-off is imminent. The rugby tournament held for P4 last Friday was a great success. Sorry about the short notice if you were planning to support them but the North School sports pitch was waterlogged and a last minute change was necessary.

Football Festival Reminder � Children who completed a slip for this have been given a follow-up note with more details. As I have said in the note, staff will not be able to attend this due to a previously organised staff training session but if any parent is going along and would like to help out with supervision this would be most welcome. I have been asked if we could supply some bibs, etc for teams but I am only prepared to do this if an adult can take responsibility for collecting them in and returning them to school. Again if you would be prepared to do this could you give a ring tomorrow.

End of Term Service � This will be on Friday 1 July � details will be given in the last Newsletter of the term which will be published next week.

Yours sincerely

LILIAN M WARK(Head Teacher)


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Name���������������......................... Class ������. Face/Nails/Both

Name���������������......................... Class ������. Face/Nails/Both

Name���������������......................... Class ������. Face/Nails/Both

Amount Enclosed �