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Newsletter Index

Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletters 20 June  2006

Dear Parent

Newsletter 20.06.06

Staffing � I am delighted to welcome 2 new teachers next session.  They are Miss Ruth Mackay and Miss Emma Miller, but as I have not yet had the opportunity to talk to these teachers I have not therefore decided who will teach which class.  I will let parents know in the next Newsletter (as there will be more to tell you before the end of term I am sure).

Picnic Lunch � This is on tomorrow, Wed 21 June.  Children who have ordered this should call at the office with their �1.50 between 8.50 � 9.10 a.m.

BCG � Please find attached a letter from Dr Oates, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, about BCG Vaccination.  It is important that you review the questions and send this off if either your child, their parents or any of their grandparents were born outside the UK.

Summer Library Programme � Wick Library will be running their �Reading Mission� during the holidays.  Children can register at the library and are awarded certificates and medals if they read a book a week for 6 weeks.  I would encourage as many of you to take part as possible and Happy Reading!

BBQ � you may have noticed that while I got the day correct for the BBQ, I made a mistake with the actual date.  My apologies, the correct date is Tuesday 27 June at 5.00.  Thanks to all of you who have volunteered your services.  There is still time to offer to help out if you would like, as we still need a few helpers, or come along and just have some fun.  Please remember, donations for any of the stalls can be handed into the office at any time. 

Planters � Many thanks to William Mackay (Precast) who very kindly donated the planters at the front of the school.  Thanks also to Mrs Linda Tait and others who gave us plants and especially to Mrs Ella, who has been planting with the children during Activity Afternoon.  I am really pleased with how attractive the front of the school looks now.

Parents� Evenings � It was so nice to see many of you during Parents� Evenings.  Unfortunately a small percentage made appointments and then did not turn up and did not telephone to cancel their appointment.  This meant some teachers had to stay longer than they needed to.  In future I would be obliged if parents could either attend appointments they make or cancel them in good time.  Persistent offenders will only be able to get appointments at the end of the evening so that teachers can go home if they do not turn up.

Science Workshops � We are again indebted to Prof Baikie who very kindly set up a Science Workshop on Renewable Energies for P4, P5 and P6 last week ably supported by Colin Parry.  The children had a wonderful time and really learned a lot. 

Lost Property � The pile of this is ever increasing.  Children and parents have now all had the opportunity to look at the items and claim their own property.  Anything which remains unclaimed on 30 June will be disposed of as I do not intend to keep items over the summer holidays.  Please check and come in to collect items before the end of term � please do not leave this up to children or you may never see the item again.

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher