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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 20 April 2005

Dear Parent

April Newsletter � 20.04.05

A belated welcome back to the final term of this academic year. This will have to be a short Newsletter as I am off to teach P7 for the rest of the day. You may already be aware from your child(ren) but if a teacher is absent there is virtually no supply cover in Caithness at the present time and if any teachers are absent providing cover for their class is an increasingly difficult task. While this problem persists, I will endeavour to do as much of the class teaching cover as I possibly can and I am very fortunate in having the support of my staff who willingly cover for each other whenever they possibly can. This, unfortunately, does have an effect on your child�s education in a number of ways, e.g. there will be no homework as it is hard enough to manage a school this size at the best of times but, when that is combined with full time teaching, the workload becomes endless and the thought of marking homework as well as class work is enough to push someone over the edge. You all know my staff and myself well enough to know that we will do our very best to provide the best education we possibly can even during these trying times.

Those children who have an IEP will have their meetings arranged for this term but again they may be slightly delayed until there is enough teaching cover to be able to release teachers to attend these meetings.

Class Newsletter � Please find attached the Class Newsletter which gives details of the work to be covered this term.

Trips - Details will follow when class trips have been arranged.

Uniform � Please also find attached an Order Form for this. We have 3 new items, namely, a hooded sshirt (black). Full zip knit cardigan (black) � I would suggest that these are for the girls! And also microfibre exercise trousers. All items can be seen and tried on before purchase. Your order should be returned with cash/cheque by 6 MAY so that the goods can be ordered and then forwarded on to you before the end of term.

PSA � There will be a meeting open to ALL PARENTS on Tuesday 26 April at 7 p.m. to discuss the summer term entertainment/fundraising activity.

Dates for your Diary- Many dates are not yet settled but I will inform you as soon as they are, however, the following are already set

Monday 2 May � Holiday

Wednesday 4 May � Cake Day (30p each)

Monday 16 May � Travelling Art Gallery for pupils

Wednesday 1 June � Annual Reports issued to parents

6-10 June � Caithness Music Festival

Tuesday 7 June � Cake Day (30 p each)

Tues14/Wed 15 June � Parents� Evenings

Friday 1 July - School closes at 12 noon

Tuesday 16 August � School reopens at usual time

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher