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Newsletter Index

Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

School Calendar

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 1 November 2005

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 01.11.05

Parents� Evenings � You should have had your blue Appointment Slip returned with the appointment time written at the side. If you have not got this, please search your child�s schoolbag or telephone before 6 p.m. to find out the time of your appointment. Remember the Lucky Envelopes, �1 each, will be available tonight and tomorrow night � proceeds to Children in Need/Blythswood. All available items of uniform will be on show during Parents� Evenings and orders can be placed if required.

Book Fair � The books have all arrived and your child has had the opportunity to have a look at these and bring home a slip indicating the book they would like to have. You are not obliged to purchase this but the school does get 60% commission in books. If you wish to make a �confidential� Christmas Order for any of these Carole will be available on both Parents� Evenings to take this and will then get in touch with you to pick them up.

Apple Mac Computers � We are no longer using these in school and have a few that are still in working order. If you would like one of these please let me know tonight or tomorrow night when you are in the school and I will put all names in a hat if there are more people who would like them than computers. While these may be a little out of date they are still a good first computer for children.

Children in Need/Blythswood Appeal � Please feel free to hand in items for the sale and any last minute shoebox items any time this week before the sale on Friday. Do not forget you are welcome to come along on Friday afternoon to the sale any time after 1.30 p.m. Not only will there be sale items but we are hoping for some baking, the teddy tombola will be in full swing and there will be a last opportunity for the Lucky Envelopes before this is drawn at 3 p.m.

Poppies � Child friendly poppies with green plastic stem rather than the pin will be available in school from now until 11 November. Your child may bring a small donation for one if they wish.

Tesco Vouchers � If you have any of the green vouchers for sports equipment we are collecting them in school to see if we can get enough to buy anything. As there is no Tesco locally this will be a trial attempt to see how many can be collected.

Winter Show � There will be a number of costumes to be made along with a variety of props. Individual class teachers will send home details if they are looking for help and, if you can help to create/put together such items, they would be most grateful if you could spare some time for this.

Walk to School Week � 7-11 October - 1st Place P6 with 90% and second place P2 with 80%. These classes have been awarded the Senior and Infant Health Promoting Cups for this term.

The Superhumans � A promotion to encourage children to eat oily fish which is high in Omega 3 is being run for the next four weeks. Children have to collect a sticker each week if they choose the oily fish option at school lunches. Children who are interested will be given a leaflet with more details and a slip giving the dates when a oily fish option will be available. I have had a look at the recipes and they do look quite appetising so I am hopeful that a number of children will take part in this.

Information for Parents � There will be a table set up on the stage with a variety of leaflets which may be of interest. Please help yourself to anything which may be of use.

Halloween � Thanks to all who turned up to decorate the hall. The children had a wonderful party yesterday afternoon.

In-Service Days � School will be closed for children on Mon & Tues 7 & 8 November.

Yours sincerely

Head Teacher

PSA News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to all who turned up on Monday evening. Mrs F Gunn has been elected as Chairperson, Mrs H Cormack as Secretary and Miss E Sutherland as Treasurer.

Items discussed included

Halloween. Nursery children may dress up if they wish and there will be some Halloween activities for them during their session. P1-3 will be allowed to dress up in the morning and there will be a competition held. They are then having early lunch and going to Katie Morag. Costumes may be worn to Katie Morag, but hats and masks will be left in school and all children must be able to get a coat on over their costume. P4 � 7 will have a party in school in the afternoon. Pupils may either dress up for Halloween in fancy dress or may dress in party/disco clothes if they would prefer. Again there will be a fancy dress competition during the afternoon. We will sell juice for 20p a cup during the party and proceeds will go towards the shoebox and Pudsy appeals. If we can muster up enough helpers, we will face paint children who would like it during the party in the afternoon, so if you can help, can you please let office staff know so we can gauge the number of adults we will have available. The hall will be decorated on Sunday 30 Oct from 2.00 to 3.00 and the more help we have the more we will be able to do. If you can spare an hour to help put up decorations please come along � many hands make light work.

Shoebox Appeal is now well underway. We would appreciate any remaining items by Monday. To raise cash to help with transportation of these boxes and for Children in Need we would like to hold the following events and all money raised will be split evenly between these two worthwhile appeals

o Friday 4 November a Bring & Buy Sale. If you have items which you can donate, or would be able to bake, could you please bring these into school any time next week. The actual Sale will take place on Friday afternoon from 1.45 p.m. onwards and parents are welcome to attend as well as the children.

o Teddy Tombola � We have had a large number of handmade teddies donated and have a huge blow-up Pudsy also donated and there will also be a number of other prizes included. If you wish to donate a teddy or other prize please feel free to do so. Tickets at the tombola stall will be 25p each or 5 for a �1 and this will also be on Friday 4th in the afternoon.

o Lucky Teddy EnvelopeDuring Parents� Evenings an �envelope� can be purchased for �1 each. Hopefully we will sell a good number of these and then half of the takings will go to the Lucky Envelope winner.

Head Lice � We talked about a number of ways to help support parents on this subject and I will put out leaflets on Parents� Evenings for you to help yourself to. The school will also investigate finding a supplier for bug busting combs which we will be able to sell on to you and I will contact the School Nurse to see if she is available to come along to the Open Afternoon in February 06 to answer any questions you may have. I have also been asked by the PSA to remind you that lotion is available on prescription from your Doctor if your child actually has head lice.

Passing Information to Parents � I am now being bombarded by leaflets from the Scottish Executive but never have enough to distribute to everyone and, in many cases, a lot of the information would not be of any interest to the majority of you. However, I have an obligation to make this information available in the best way possible. The PSA have agreed that these leaflets should be placed on the table in Reception so that you can help yourself any time you are in the school, put out on display on Parents� Evenings and Open Afternoons which occur in Terms 2, 3 and 4 and the availability of these will be mentioned in Newsletters so that you know what is new.

Pulteneytown Academy
27 October 2005