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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 1 March 2005

Dear Parent

March Newsletter � 01.03.05

Parents� Afternoon � This was such a wonderful success and thanks to all of you who were able to come along and who helped raise money with the Tombola, cards and raffle. I hope your child was a good host/hostess for your visit.

Tsunami Appeal � I am delighted to report that we raised �751.73 for this appeal on Big Heart Day. Highland schools have raised �64386 so far. A wonderful effort from all involved and a huge thank you to all of you who contributed to make this such a worthwhile day.

Spring Fayre � Enterprise Education is now a feature in all classes and to make life easier for everyone, it was decided to try and incorporate an enterprise activity which involved all classes at the same time. This will take the form of a Spring Fayre where the children will make and sell a variety of items on Wednesday 23 March. Details advertising it and giving times etc will be done by the children and distributed to you asap.

Enterprise Education tries to teach the children a little about all aspects of running an event and trying to make a profit. They will, at their own level, study market research, advertising, production, finance, sales and all the different tasks involved in running a company.

PSA � the new date for the committee meeting will be Tuesday 15 March 2005 at 7 p.m. here in school.

Junior Road Safety Officers � As part of his duties as a JRSO, James Mackay brought in a newspaper cutting with a website address where the school was able to access reflective stickers to help children be seen in the dark. These have finally arrived and have been handed out to everyone today. Thanks to James (and his dad who found the cutting) for doing such a good job.

Handkerchiefs in School � I have been encouraging children to bring a handkerchief with them to school each day. There is no need for children with sniffles and minor colds to be off school, but they should be taught appropriate health and hygiene rules for dealing with these. I was surprised to find only about 20% of pupils with a handkerchief of their own one day in school last week and would ask that parents ensure that all children come to school with one each day. While the school does have boxes in each classroom these are meant to be for emergency replacements and not as a substitute for supplying their own.

World Book Day � is being held on Thursday 3 March and I will be asking all staff to involve all pupils in a reading activity of their choice to mark this on Thursday. Children have also been issued with a �1 off book token which they can use until 27 March and I have a few spare should anyone like a second one.

Swimming Gala � will be held on Friday 11 March at 7.00 p.m. Teams will be notified shortly but everyone is welcome to come and cheer on the school.

Science Festival � This is taking place in Wick High School from 14-16 March and will involve pupils from P5 � 7. Details of visits will follow to each class along with permission slips, but the event can be attended by anyone, pupils and parents alike, when it is open on Sunday 13 March from 11.00a.m. to 3.00p.m.

Easter Break � School closes on Thursday 24 March and opens on Tuesday 12 April for pupils.

Nursery Enrolment - for children born between 01.03.01 � 28.02.02 will be held Mon, Tues and Wed 7-9 March from 9.30 a.m. � 12 noon. If this is not convenient, please telephone the school (602649) when a more suitable time can be arranged.

Head Lice � Please be vigilant and check your child�s hair regularly.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher