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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 19 January 2005

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 19.01.05

School Meals � More changes with school meals will begin on Monday 24 January. I had hoped to delay these until the new hot meal menus had been tried and tested, but have been instructed that the changes cannot wait. Please read carefully as these changes will affect your child.

From Friday this week the �Health Bar� as we know it will cease to exist. There will no longer be sandwiches on offer on any day and the bags of fruit, nuts, cheese, vegetables etc will no longer be made. This also means that pupils who bring a packed lunch and who purchase an extra bag will no longer be able to do so.

In its place comes the alternative �Pick and Mix� Menu. This offers another choice of main meal or soup and children then have the option of choosing the vegetables of the hot meal (including potatoes or chips when on offer) or salad. They also have the same choice of sweet as those having a hot meal or a piece of fruit or a yoghurt. On a number of days the �Pick and Mix� alternative is the same as the hot meal thus not giving an alternative at all. Confused? Read on.

Basically the �Pick and Mix� simply offers a third choice of main course for the children on days when it is different from the hot meal menu. To make this as straightforward as possible Carole has kindly retyped the 4 weekly menu to include the third choice when there is one and has tried to make it clear exactly what is on offer for children each day. Where there is the choice of Pick� and Mix� it is typed in bold and italics. Parents should be sure their child will eat one of the choices on offer before sending them for a lunch that day as there will no longer be the option of a sandwich instead.

Once you have reviewed the menu, please get in touch if you have any questions and I will try my best to answer them. Once this has been running for a few weeks, I will ask parents for their opinion in the form of a short (I promise) questionnaire.

The new menu is attached and will start with Week 3 on Monday 24 January.

Music Festival � As you are probably aware the Caithness Music Festival includes poetry as well as music and singing each year. In school we usually prepare some Choir entries, some recorder groups and some class entries. We do not prepare individual children for events as this responsibility lies with parents should they wish to do so. Copies of the syllabus are readily available and I have one in school which you may come in and look at if you wish. I can also provide copies of the poems for the verse speaking competition including Caithness Dialect. Please let the school know if you would like a copy of any of these poems.

Handbook � The School Handbook will be published towards the end of January and I would recommend all parents have a good look at the education section as there will be a number of significant changes relating to mathematics, health and language.

Class Newsletter- Please find this attached.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher