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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 17 March 2005

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 17.03.05

Swimming Gala � after a nail biting competition last Friday night, the team of 26 swimmers from Pulteneytown Academy were the winners of the swimming shield for the third year in succession. This is the seventh win in nine years. Congratulations to all who were part of the team and my thanks to all the pupils who tried for the team and who were unsuccessful this year � it is wonderful to know so many children want to represent their school at such events. Thanks also to staff, parents and friends who came along to support.

Football � Ross County are running Easter football activities in the Bignold Park from Mon 4 to Fri 8 April. Sessions last for 1.5 hours and cost �25 for the week. If your child would like to take part in this I have a number of application forms available. You or your child may pick one up from the school office between 8.50 and 9.10 any morning while stocks last. Please note that forms and money is returnable to Ross County direct and NOT to the school.

Making the difference � improving parents� involvement in schools � Please find a leaflet attached giving information on this draft bill. PSA members have been given a copy of the full consultation document and there are a few spare ones which are on a table in reception. Please feel free to take one if you would like.  (From Caithness.org - the consultation document a response form is online at Parentzone)

Spring Fayre � Final preparations are well underway and I look forward to seeing many of you on Wednesday 23 March from 1.45 until 3.15.

PSA News � At the Committee Meeting on Tuesday evening, entertainment for next term was discussed. It was felt that the BBQ has been running for so long that perhaps a change is needed. It has also been getting more difficult to get enough parent helpers for this event on a Friday evening. Therefore the committee would like your opinion and ideas about a change of event. We would ask everyone to complete the tear off slip indicating whether you would like an event after school one evening or prefer a Saturday afternoon. We also would like you to give us your ideas about what you would like in place of the BBQ as our main fundraiser of the year. Everyone who gives an idea (no matter how daft you think it may be) will have their slip entered into a draw for a box of chocolates � so come on, let�s hear your ideas. Next meeting � Tuesday 26 April 7.00 to discuss entertainment - all welcome � the more the better. Come along and bring your ideas.

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher

Child�s name ���������������.. Class����������

I would prefer an after school event on a Friday or a Saturday afternoon (please tick)

My idea is �����������������������������������..
Please return if you can before the next meeting on 26 April.