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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 16 November 2005

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 21.11.05

My �monthly� Newsletters seem to be �weekly� Newsletters at the moment but there just seems to be so much information to pass on to you due to so many activities going on in the school.

Children In Need/Blythswood- We have contributed �260 to Children in Need and �260 also to Blythswood and we were able to send off 50 filled shoe boxes and some boxes with the extra items were also given to Blysthwood. There have been small amounts of money dribbling in since then so we have put this in the Charity Box in the office where we keep all �lost� money and this will go to the next appeal we have.

Whatever � All pupils have been given a copy of this free magazine today.

More Dates For Your Diary

Tues 22 Nov last day for photograph money.

FRI 2 DEC � THERE WILL BE NO SCHOOL CROSSING PATROLLER. Mr Scobbie will be available from 8.45 � 9.10 a.m. and from 3.10 until 3.30 p.m. to cover but parents whose children go home at lunch time should meet them if they require to cross the main road.

Tues 6 Dec � Cake Day � 30p each

Wed 7 Dec � Christmas Lunch � have you returned your child�s booking form � if not this is now urgent?

Wed 14 & Thurs 15 Dec - Winter Show. The Shows will start at 7 p.m. Tickets at �3 will go on sale on Tues 6 at 7 p.m. All seats will be numbered so if you want a good seat at the front come and buy your tickets on the Tues evening. They will go on general sale during the day of Wed 7 Dec and will remain on sale until the days of the Concert or until they are sold out. We will be holding a raffle at both Concerts and any donations would be greatly appreciated. More information re the Concert will follow in the December Newsletter. I am as yet unsure of how long the Concert will last but will give you this information once things have been timed. We will, of course make the same arrangements for infants as we did last year in that they can be collected by parents/grandparents/others after they have finished so that they are not in school too late but do not worry if all family members are at the Concert as we will look after them until the end if required.

Tues 20 Dec � Infant Party (P1-3) � 1.30 p.m. Santa will visit.

Wed 21 Dec Senior Disco/Party(P4-7) � 1.30 p.m.

Thurs 22 DecNursery Party � 9.30 � 11.30 a.m. for both morning and afternoon children. There will be no nursery session in the afternoon but if any parent would like to take their child to the Christmas Service they are welcome to do so.

Thurs 22 DecChristmas Service in Salvation Army Hall - 2 p.m. This will be a joint service with Wick South School and parents are requested to sit upstairs as the hall downstairs will be pretty full with the children.

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher