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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 16 March 2007

Pulteneytown Academy

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 16.03.07

Comic Relief - As I type this letter the school is an amazing sea of red. My thanks for the wonderful baking � there is just so much and it is all so mouth watering, you really are so kind. I will tell the children at the end of the day and let you all know how much we raised in my next letter. There is so much baking we may not sell it all today so I will keep items that are left and sell them on Monday for Comic Relief.

Highland 2007 � The school will be very busy for the rest of the term with a number of events. For the Science Festival, see page 15 in today�s John O�Groat Journal for details. Also see page 5 of the �Groat� as there is a write up of the preview performances in Canisbay of big Head Drama. The Glass Forever Roadshow takes the children through the glass recycling process and those attending the Workshop will have as �hands on� experience. Classes are involved on the following days

P3 Thursday 22 Mar Glass Forever Roadshow Workshop

Friday 30 Mar Big Head Drama

P4 Monday 19 Mar Duane Carey Space Shuttle Astronaut

Thursday 22 Mar Glass Forever Roadshow Presentation & Workshop

Friday 30 Mar Big Head Drama

P5 Tuesday 20 Mar K�nex Workshop

Wednesday 21 Mar Duane Carey Space Shuttle Astronaut

Wednesday 21 Mar Noiseworks

Thursday 22 Mar Glass Forever Roadshow Presentation & Workshop

Friday 30 Mar Big Head Drama

P6 Monday 19 Mar Art into Engineering (20 children)

Monday 19 Mar Richard Wilson Mobile Phone Presentation (10)

Tuesday 20 Mar Electronics Workshop

Tuesday 20 Mar K�nex Workshop

Tuesday 20 Mar Duane Carey Space Shuttle Astronaut

Wednesday 21 Mar Noiseworks

Thursday 22 Mar Glass Forever Roadshow Presentation & Workshop

P7 Thurs 15/Fri 16 Art into Engineering

Monday 19 Mar Richard Wilson Mobile Phone Presentation (10)

Tuesday 20 Mar Electronics Workshop (half the class)

Tuesday 20 Mar Scratch (half the class)

Tuesday 20 Mar K�nex Workshop

Tuesday 20 Mar Duane Carey Space Shuttle Astronaut

Wednesday 21 Mar Noiseworks

Thursday 22 Mar Glass Forever Roadshow Presentation

Most activities are planned for the older children as the work being presented is of a level of understanding for older pupils. Everyone gets their turn when they reach that stage, but we are hoping to get a presenter for the younger children in September and I have done my best to include P3 and P4 in as many activities as possible.

Science Festival For You - If you would like to come along, the Noiseworks presentation is open to the public in our gym from 6.45 � 7.45 on Tuesday 20 Mar and Duane Carey will give a talk on his life and experiences in space in the hall from 7.45 � 8.45 p.m. There is no charge for this, but donations are welcome.

PSA � Don�t forget that the PSA Bunny Drive on Thurs 29 Mar at 7 p.m. This costs �1 a person and covers your games and a drink. The PSA are asking you again to donate baking which can be sold during the interval to raise funds for the PSA.

School Nurse Screening Schedule � The school nurses would like to draw parents� attention to the changes in vision screening of school pupils. From 2006 all pupils will have their vision checked prior to school entry by an orthoptist at their local health clinic or hospital.

All routine vision and colour vision testing by the school nurses has been withdrawn.

If you have concerns about your child�s vision you may discuss this with the school nurse but parents are advised to seek assessment from an optician of their choice.

Road Safety Cycle Training � We are very grateful to Mr Gordon Smart who comes along faithfully every year and trains our pupils. However, if anyone else is interested in helping with this I am sure he would be grateful for any assistance. There is training taking place for volunteers on 29 Mar at Thrumster Primary School. It takes about 2 hours and starts at 1 p.m. If you would like to attend the training session (with no commitment) please let me know by Tuesday 28 Mar as I have to reserve places.

Highland Literacy Project � I was delighted that so many people were able to attend the presentations last Wednesday evening. My thanks to Mrs Budge and Mrs Harper for their wonderful powerpoint presentations and also thanks to all the staff who were able to come along and answer questions. The Literacy officer will be in school again next Thurs/Fri when she will be demonstrating Writer�s Craft lessons for all staff.

Nursery Enrolment � This takes place any morning next week from 10 � 12 so could you please spread the word to anyone you know who may be considering enrolling a child in nursery next year. If you cannot manage at these times please contact the school office on 602649 when a more suitable time can be arranged.

Easter Break � School closes at 3.10 p.m. on Fri 30 Mar and reopens for pupils on Tues 17 April.

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher