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Newsletter Index

Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletters 12 June  2006

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 12.06.06

My apologies, Newsletters seem to be coming weekly rather than monthly at the moment, and there is sure to be another one before the holidays.

 PSA � Please see attached Newsletter about the ever popular BBQ/Party at Pulteneytown Palace. Grid for parent helpers will be on the stage along with a number of other attractions during Parents� Evenings.  Please sign up to make this event worthwhile.

Infant Sports � These will be held tomorrow, 13 June at 1.30 p.m. weather permitting or the next nice day after that this week except Thursday.  The decision will be taken by 11 a.m. so please do not telephone before then to enquire. 

Festival Concert � While pupils from Ps 6 & 7 and the Infant Choir are performing this evening at the official festival concert, we will have a concert of all of our own items on Thursday 15 June at 2 p.m.  Everyone welcome to come along � no charge.

Staffing � This is still not finalised but so far I can tell you that

  • P2 � Mrs Shuttleworth
  • P3 � Miss Sutherland
  • P4 � Miss Falconer
  • P6 � Mrs Harper
  • P7 � Mrs Foubister
  • P1 & P5 will have new members of staff as yet un-named and will be supported by Mrs Budge.  I will inform you as soon as I have further information. 

Science Sac Questionnaire- Please see the reverse for information relating to your questionnaires. 

Football/Netball- No trophies coming our way this year.  However, I have been very proud of the children�s attitude towards their sport and even after losing badly they have kept their heads up, tried their best and have been a credit to the school.  The school is looking for a football team, which must contain one girl, to play in the Liam Henderson Memorial Football Match on Saturday 22 July.  Unfortunately, staff are not available to accompany them and we can only enter if someone can take the team.  If you are willing to volunteer for this please let me know and I will make arrangements with the children etc. 

Development 06/07- Details will follow in August, but I thought you may be interested to know what we are planning to develop next session.

  • Highland Literacy Project � We are delighted to have been accepted on to Phase 3 of this exciting development (we had hoped for this and put on hold a few of our reading changes in anticipation)
  • Highland 2007 Year of Culture � The Highland Promise.
  • Homework review to cover all aspects of this which follows up on the information you have given us on your questionnaire.
  • Nursery will be further developing outdoor play.

Rosebank Family Walk � 35 youngsters from Pulteneytown & South School took part raising a total of �320 for this very worthwhile cause.  Thanks to Greig Henderson, Erin Anderson, Beth Harper, Fiona Steven, Sarah Begg, Kelly Muffet, Daniel Ross, Katie Gunn, Frances Minnock, Molly, Eve & Joe Swanson and Sweyn Linklater.  Well done!

I look forward to seeing you at one of the Parents� Evenings this week.


Yours sincerely


Head Teacher

Results of Parental Questionnaire on Science Sacs, Homework and Class Newsletters

 There was overwhelming support for continuing the Science Sacs with 97% saying they would like this.

97% worked with their child on the tasks and 98% of those enjoyed the experience.  96% also felt their child enjoyed this.

85% felt the timing of the Sacs was about right, but 13% felt there were too few and 2% felt they were too often. 

89% felt you have the Sacs for about the correct amount of time with 8% thinking too long and 4% too short a time.

The timing and amount of time will be looked at during our review of all homework next session, but staff are aware that some Sacs take longer than others and this needs to be taken into account when giving them out and setting dates for return.

84% felt that the Sacs were suitable and 16% felt they were too easy.  No one felt they were too hard.

30% felt their children learned a lot, 63% learned some and 7% only a little.

Again it is very difficult to get the level correct for every child and there is no logistical way to grade these in each class.  As suggested by the first few questions, even the few who felt the Sacs were too easy still enjoyed the experience and had some fun with science which is one of the aims of the Sacs.

18% felt they required quite a lot on input, 61% had some input and 21% required very little involvement.

Only 1% found collecting the resources very hard, 47% average and 52% very easy.

Some input from parents is desirable but this should be in a supportive role and I am sure this varies from Sac to Sac.  Staff are relieved that almost all of you found the resources without too much difficulty, but do remember that if you have trouble then contact the school and we will do our best to find the items for you.

79% felt that the amount of homework was �about right� while 18% felt there was too little and 3% too much.

71% spent between 1-4 hours supporting their child with 23% spending more than this and 6% spending less than an hour a week.

This will be reviewed next session.  I would also like to say thank you for your comments about the types of things you would like to see more or less of.  I have to say that for everyone who said they would like more maths, there was someone who said they would like less of it.  Schools are aware that they cannot please all of the people all of the time and we will try to ensure there is a balance.  These comments will also be useful during our review.

Finally the new style Class Newsletter.  71% prefer the new style and 21% had no preference with only 3% preferring the old style.  As this is fairly overwhelming then the new style will prevail from the beginning of next session.

Yours sincerely


Head Teacher