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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 11 January 2006

Dear Parent

Newsletter � 11.01.06

Happy New Year to you all and welcome back to a new term.

Class/Timetable Changes � As I informed everyone at the end of last term these changes have now taken place and you should find attached a revised swimming timetable. Please also find attached a copy of the revised six-week school dinner Menu. As always all meals include assorted breads and a choice of milk, fruit juice or water. Fresh fruit or yoghurt is also available as an alternative to soup or pudding. Also, a vegetarian option is available on request. This week is Week 1 of the Menu.

Winter Clothing � While the vast majority of children are suitably clothed for the cold weather, a number came to school yesterday in jackets which were not thick enough to keep out the cold and rain. It is important children get fresh air each day so unless it is very heavy rain all pupils will be going out for a 15 minute break in the morning and for approx 15 minutes at lunchtime. Infants will be brought in for the last half hour if it is very cold at lunchtimes. I would strongly recommend children have hat, gloves, scarves, etc. all named please. I would also request that all pupils have their gym kit with them every day as we may well use the bouncy castle on a regular basis as an alternative to outside playtimes so that children still get some exercise each day. Gym kit is also very useful for changing into if trousers get wet in the playground as it gives the children something to wear while their clothes are dried off on the radiator and it means they do not have to borrow school clothing.

Balance of the Curriculum � This term there will be less expressive arts activities happening in most classes. This is to balance up the amount of time spent on music, drama and art which took place in connection with the Winter Show and Christmas handwork. This will also allow teachers more time for reading and other language activities as well as some extra time for maths and environmental studies. Remember in school we try to balance the curriculum over the year and not on a week to week basis and every subject has its peaks and troughs. There will, of course, be music and art activities provided by specialist teachers this term so the subject is not ignored, just reduced in time. PE will, of course, continue to play a part in every class as this is part of our health promoting strategy. Details for each class will follow in the Class Newsletter next week.

Head Lice � While there have been no reported incidents so far this term, I would ask that as usual please be vigilant and continue to check your child�s head on a regular basis. The school can give you information as to treatment if you require this.

Clothing � Left at Winter Show � adult silk scarf, gloves and umbrella at various seats. Please call at office to collect.

Dates For Your Diary

� Tues 17 Jan, 7 Feb, 7 Mar � Cake Days. CHANGE OF PRICE to 35p
� Tues 7 Feb � Open Afternoon for Parents 1.45 p.m. � 3 p.m.
� Thurs 9, Fri 10 & Mon 13 Feb � School closed for In-Service and holiday.
� Wed 15 Feb � Science Evening � details to follow
� Date for PSA Meeting to follow.
� Enrolment dates as yet unknown � will also follow
� Fri Mar 31 - last day of term. School reopens for pupils Wed 19 Apr

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher