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Pulteneytown Academy Index  Schools & Education

School Calendar

Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 11 January 2005

Dear Parent

Welcome back to the first term of the New Year. The joint Christmas Service collection along with the South School staff collection raised �170 for the local epilepsy Group.

Adverse Weather Conditions Reminder � Please tune in to Moray Firth Radio in the mornings or telephone the school hotline number which you were given in December and asked to display in a prominent place for easy access! This number is 0870 054 6999 and the school�s pin no is 042820. It is also a good idea to remind your child in the morning what they should do if the school has to close early due to bad weather or any other reason. Those of you with infants or children with poor memories might find it helpful to make a little card with instructions and slip it into their schoolbag in the morning so that they can check this if required.

Tsunami Appeal � I have already been approached by a number of pupils who would like to do something to raise money for this Appeal. As a school we will become involved in one or two fundraising activities during the course of this term so that ALL pupils can be involved in some way or another. We will emphasise with the children that there is no rush to raise funds for this Appeal as help and support will be needed for years to come. Details of events will be passed on to you as soon as the staff have agreed a programme and I have had time to consult with the Pupil Council who will also be asked for their ideas.

School Meals � As I informed you last term, the new meal menus started yesterday and you should refer to the recently issued Menu Sheet to know what is available each day. The Health Bar will continue for a few weeks, but I expect changes to this by the end of the month and I will inform you of what is happening as soon as I have anything definite to report.

Class Information Newsletter � This will be issued next week.

Head Lice - Termly reminder � please be vigilant.

School Handbook 2005 � Currently being updated and will be issued end January.

Dates for your Diary
� Tues 18 Jan Cake Day (30p)
� w/begin Mon 31 Jan School Enrolment Week
� Tues 1 Feb Cake Day (30p)
� Tues 8 Feb Open Afternoon for Parents
� Thurs 10 Feb School closed for In Service Training
� Fri 11 & Mon 14 Feb School closed for Long Weekend
� Tues 1 Mar Cake Day (30p)
� Fri 18 Mar Spring Fair (Enterprise Education Activity)
� Thurs 24 March School closes at 3.10 p.m. for holidays
� Tues 12 Apr School opens for pupils

Yours sincerely
Head Teacher