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Pulteneytown Academy
Newsletter 10 May 2006

Dear Parent

May Newsletter � 10.05.06

PSA News
On Monday evening the committee was given a tour of the recent internal improvements to the fabric and decoration of the building and also had the opportunity to view the state of the children�s toilets. It was decided that the entertainment for the term would be Party at Pulteneytown Palace which will have an entertainment theme for all on the same lines as the Party at that other Palace in London where they are celebrating the Queen�s 80th birthday. The date will be Tuesday 27 June at 5 p.m. so please put this date in your diary to keep it free. Details will follow after the next meeting on Monday 5 June at 7.00 p.m. If you are willing to help out please come along to this meeting with your ideas.

School Improvements - update
The painting of the infant playground will now be on Thursday 11 May. It is very important that if you are coming to collect your child from school that you keep young children well away from this area. I will ensure school children are kept away from painted areas until they are safe. The gym is almost finished and this will make such a huge difference to the facilities for Physical Education. It should also save money on heating during the winter. The infant resource room which has been completely redecorated is still awaiting the new furniture with anticipation. I hope this will be completed before parents� evenings so that you will be able to see all these improvements for yourselves.

Weather dependent dates for matches are as follows
� Thursday 25 May 10.00 v Lybster � home match
� Wednesday 31 May 1.45 v North � away match
� Friday 2 June 1.45 v South � home match
� Friday 9 June 1.45 v Hillhead � away match
Permission slips will not be done for pupils attending or playing in these matches. If your child is in P6 or P7 and you do not wish them to travel by bus to the away matches, either as a player or spectator, please let me know before the first match.

Cycling Proficiency
Children in P6 were given permission slips before taking part in this activity. I know at least one of them did not take their letter home as I found it in the cloakroom after everyone had gone, so if you did not get this information and you would like your child to take part, please contact the school immediately. Those taking part must bring their bikes tomorrow (11 May) to be checked for roadworthiness and size before lessons start on 23 May.

Edinburgh Trip
As both Mrs Budge and I will be away with the group in Edinburgh next week, Mrs L Harper, PT will be in charge of the school. As she will be teaching, please try to keep any routine matters which cannot be dealt with by office staff until my return the next week and only request to see her if something cannot wait. Many thanks for your cooperation with this.

Before the end of May you will be issued with a questionnaire to seek your views on the Science Sacks, homework in general and on the style of the Class newsletters this term. As your responses may vary depending on the age of your child(ren) I will issue one questionnaire per pupil rather than one per family and I would be obliged if you could complete and return these to school by the date indicated. The management team have learned a lot about how to get useful information from a questionnaire and I promise this will be much more straightforward to complete and have less than 10 questions in all. Children will complete a similar questionnaire in school so that we can also gauge their views on these subjects.

Yours sincerely

Head Teacher