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Pennyland Primary School
Trostan Road, Thurso, KW14 7NY
Telephone:01847 892661
Head Teacher:Mr C P Hagan
Pennyland School Handbook  
HM Inspector - Latest Reports

Click For The New Pannyland School Web Site

15 December 03
Pennyland Kids Get In On Recycling With UKAEA & Vulcan
A  charity recycling venture started by staff at Dounreay has spread to the local community, helping to spruce up the nearby town of Thurso.  Thousands  of soft drink cans are collected every year at Dounreay and sent to  an  aluminium recycling plant in Ross-shire, with the proceeds going to needy causes in the far north.  The  initiative  has reduced the amount of commercial waste produced at the site which otherwise would be sent to a local landfill...................


40th Anniversary Celebrations.
We would like to invite all pupils, staff and parents (past and present) to join us at an Open evening at the school on Saturday 7th December, from 6.30pm onwards, for a nostalgic evening and refreshments!  Any photographs or relevant information or memorabelia would be most welcome for display purposes.
These can be sent to the school or e-mailed to [email protected]  

The School Picture Gallery

Visit To Dounreay Visitor Centre

Music Festival 2006

40 Years 1962 - 2002

Inside Pennyland

Music Festival 2002