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Mount Pleasant Primary School

27 January 05
A part-time 20mph speed limit around a Caithness school went into operation this week (Monday 24th January) at Mount Pleasant Primary in Thurso.

Members of Pupil Council with Sandy Duncan, Chair of School Board &
Highland Councillor Tom Jackson are: Shelley Mackay; Gemma Mackenzie; David Smith; Kerr Mackay; Glenn
Ferguson; Jack Fiddler; Rosy Maclean; Rhuna Campbell and head teacher Kait Farmer.

With the help of �2.157M funding from the Scottish Executive, The Highland Council aims to get the message across that slowing down near schools saves lives and that reducing the speed limit to 20 mph outside schools significantly improves the safety of children walking or cycling to school.

Mount Pleasant Primary School is one of five schools in Highland that is benefiting from the introduction of part time speed limit signs this January and February, the others including Conon Bridge and Mulbuie Primaries in Ross and Cromarty Area, and Balloch and Cannich Primaries in Inverness Area. The current five schools are part of an ongoing programme for the next four years, which will see all schools in the Highlands with 20mph speed limits.

Roads outside schools can be notoriously dangerous places for children travelling to and from the classroom. In 2003, 73 children were killed or injured on roads near their school.

Drivers travelling near Mount Pleasant Primary should be aware that the 20mph part time speed limit applies Mondays to Fridays from 08:40 to 09:15; 11:40 to 11:55; 12:15 to 13:35; and 15:00 to 15:20.

With research showing that 20 mph speed limits are an effective vehicle for reducing the number of accidents and severity of casualties on our roads, it is clear to see why parents must abide by them. The Highland Council hopes that the new 20 mph signs will raise awareness of the 20 mph speed limit outside Mount Pleasant Primary and encourage drivers to slow down.

Local Highland Councillor Tom Jackson said: "Killing speed is about driving a change in attitude - drivers need to realise that they share responsibility for the safety of our children on the roads."

Mrs Kait Farmer, Head Teacher of Mount Pleasant Primary said: "I am delighted that Mount Pleasant Primary now has a 20mph zone around the school. However, we are aware that familiarity can lead to complacency and I would urge that our pupils' parents take heed of the 20 mph speed limits, watch their speed, leave enough time for their journey and also consider healthy alternatives to taking the car on school runs, such as walking or cycling."

Sandy Duncan Chair of Mount Pleasant Primary School Board said: "Speed and speeding are among the most contentious issues in road safety today - choosing the wrong speed at the wrong time can kill. We hope that the 20mph scheme will help safeguard our children but we appeal to drivers using the roads around the school to watch their speed."