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Last swim day for P4-7 Wednesday 7 December

Big Sing Friday, 9 December

Christmas Show date Tuesday 13 December

Christmas Lunch Wednesday, 14 December

Christmas Party P1-3 Tuesday, 20 December

Christmas Party P4-7 Wednesday, 21 December

Christmas Party SEU Wednesday, 21 December

Christmas Party N4 and N3 Wednesday, 21 December (joint party in morning)

End of term Assembly Thursday, 22 December

Open Meeting with Mrs Farmer Tuesday, 17 January


It has been brought to my attention again that children in our school are involved in playing �chicken� within the Springpark/Mount Pleasant housing scheme. Would you please support me in stressing to your children the danger involved in �playing� this game. I understand that our children may be copying older children but this, combined with the speeding traffic and the dark nights, means it is an accident waiting to happen.


Patching works have started on the damaged roof. We have had to re-house P6 and P7 in other classrooms in the school but we hope this will only be for a short time. The children continue to have indoor breaks for the time being as we have scaffolding in the playgrounds. The Active School�s Co-ordinator, Kenny Russell has been joining us for some low impact aerobics at lunchtime and this has been popular with the children. I will keep parents informed of work progress/completion.

I would like to thank staff and pupils for their co operation as it has been very unsettling especially for those classes who have had to move class.


We have already raised �93.50 and hope to reach over �100 by Friday when we all take part in the Guinness Book of Records challenge. We look forward to seeing lots of children dressed up as their favourite singers to support the children�s charity CLIC.


By now all parents should have received information regarding the 0870 number to be used if you think the school may be closed due to adverse weather. We still have not had all the return slips. If you have lost/misplaced/don�t think you received on, please contact the school office immediately to arrange for a replacement. It is essential parents have this information available to them.


The last day for P4-7 swimming is Wednesday, 7 December. Swimming for P4-7 will resume on Wednesday, 1 March.


Today, 6 December is the last badminton session for this term. Badminton will recommence for Primary 6 with Hilary and Alison on Tuesday. 17 January.


Thanks to everyone who placed an order at the recent book fair. All orders have now been delivered to children. We raised �545 commission in books. Thank you again for supporting the school in this way.


During book fair week we held a free raffle for all the children. The three lucky winners who each chose their favourite title from the book fair were

Marti Ross, P4

Rowan McGregor, P1

Cameron Mackay, P1


Two Christmas Show tickets are attached to this newsletter. Please ensure these are either paid for or returned by Friday, 9 December to allow surplus to be sold on a first come, first served basis on Monday, 12 December.

The format for the show will be as follows:

� All children should be at the school by 6.30 pm. Children will be let in the main door and will make their own way to their classes.

� Doors will open for parents at 6.30 pm. As there is limited seating, entry will be by ticket only.

� Please note, in line with guidance issued by Hugh Fraser, Head of Services, there should be no unauthorised videoing or photography during the show.

� A Raffle and Lucky Programmes will be on sale before the start of the show. These will be drawn during the show.

All children should be colleted from the classes at the end of the show by a parent or an adult known to them. Please note Primaries 6 and 7 will be in the Parents� Room and Music Room. If children are being collected by someone other than their parent/carer or are to make their own way home, then the school should be informed in writing. Please provide this information before the night of the show.


Funds raised from the Christmas Raffle will go towards meeting the costs of the new backdrop and the two new lights we have had to buy for the stage. I�m afraid our old foot lights were condemned after last year�s show. The prize for the raffle is an MP3 player. Good luck everyone.


Primary 6 will be designing and selling programmes for the Christmas Show as their enterprise this year. These will be on sale on the night of the show.


Thank you to everyone who entered the Forestry Commission Christmas Stocking Competition. We had some fantastic entries, including one from one of our dads!!! The winner this year was Connor Murphy, Primary 4, who won a Christmas tree for his family and one for the school. Congratulations to Connor.


Christmas lunch will be served on Wednesday, 14 December at 12.15 pm. If your child(ren) wish to attend, please complete the tear-off slip at the end of this newsletter and return with �1.50 per child to the kitchen. Please note children entitled to free school meals should also return a booking slip but no payment is necessary. Slips should be returned by Monday, 12 December.

All children having a home lunch will leave school at 1215. Children having a packed lunch will be seated on the stage.


The sale of Pudsey Bear cakes and donations from staff came to a grand total of �193.00. Thank you to anyone who contributed in any way. A cheque has been sent to Children in Need.


Can I please remind parents to be vigilant in checking their child(ren)�s head(s) on a regular basis as in the last week I have had 3 phone calls to report head lice. Guidance is available from school on request but it is no longer Highland Council policy to send out alert letters. The school nurse advises that the most efficient deterrent is careful combing.


Just a reminder that school meals cost �1.50 per day. This can be paid daily or weekly on a Monday morning. Cheques should be made payable to Highland Council.


We collect stamps all year round for Agnes and a charity she supports. With so may Christmas cards arriving in the post every day perhaps you would like to collect some for her and send them in to the school. Children can deliver them to the kitchen in the mornings.

CHAS, (Children�s Hospice Association Scotland) the charity we support with our collection of ink cartridges also collect mobile phones. If anyone is lucky enough to get a new mobile this Christmas, please consider disposing of your old one by donating it to this charity. We will be collecting mobile phones until Tuesday, 31 January.

We will also be collecting old Christmas cards for recycling up to Friday, 20 January for recycling.


The Special Education Unit wish to thank Reid�s Bakers for their very kind donation of �63. This money will be used towards the children�s Christmas presents and parties.


Winner of November�s prize draw was Elaine Leonard, (Ben, P6 and Abbie, P5). Copies of School Board minutes are available on the school website and also on the notice board outside the office. The next meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday, 19 December.


The next meeting will be an EGM and the date is to be set. The PTA will issue information regarding this shortly.

Copies of PTA minutes are available on the school website and also on the notice board outside the office.


We continue to collect:

� Empty ink cartridges.

� Stamps

� Persil Stars

� Nestle Box Tops

� Tesco Sports Vouchers � This collection ends Thursday 22 December.



School Closes (at the end of the school day on) School Opens (9.00 am on)

Thursday, 22 December 2005 Monday, 9 January 2006

Wednesday, 8 February 2006 Tuesday, 14 February 2006

Friday, 31 March 2006 Wednesday, 19 April 2006

Friday, 30 June 2006 Tuesday, 15 August 2006

Friday, 6 October 2006 Monday, 23 October 2006

Thursday, 21 December 2006 Monday, 8 January 2007

Friday, 30 March 2007 Monday, 16 April 2007

Thursday, 28 June 2007 Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Friday, 5 October 2007 Monday, 22 October 2007

Thursday, 20 December 2007 Monday, 7 January 2008

Thursday, 20 March 2008 Monday, 7 April 2008

Friday, 27 June 2008

Please return with payment if applicable by Monday, 12 December

I wish my child(ren) to have a Christmas lunch on Wednesday, 14 December and enclose �1.50 per child.

Child�s Name _______________________________________ Class _______________

Child�s Name _______________________________________ Class _______________

Child�s Name _______________________________________ Class _______________

Parent/Carer Signature: _________________________________ Date: ____________
