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23 MARCH 2005


The school will close at the usual times on Thursday, 24 March and reopen to children on Tuesday, 12 April. I hope you all have an enjoyable and relaxing holiday.


The judging of the Easter Egg Competition will take place on Thursday, 24 March. Children entering eggs should hand them in to the office first thing. We will have one or two fun activities in the afternoon.


I am delighted with the numbers enrolled for Nursery and Primary 1:

P1 - 24

N4 - 20

N3 � 19

If you know of anyone who has not yet enrolled their child, please ask them to call the school as soon as possible. Thank you.

Start dates for N3 are listed below:

Children born on or between:

1 March 2002-31 August 2002

Will be eligible for a funded place from August 2005
Children born on or between:

1 September 2002-31 December 2002

Will be eligible for a funded place from January 2006
Children born on or between:

1 January 2003-28 February 2003

Will be eligible for a funded place from April 2006


Just a reminder, that the reading workshops for Nursery parents will be held on Thursday 14 and 21 April. Please remember to return the tear off slip from your information note to book a place. If you have misplaced this please call the school office for a replacement.


Notes were issued to the parents of N3 children on 17 March regarding the changes to the format of the N3 session; please return the tear-off slips ASAP. If you did not receive a note or have misplaced it, please call the school office for a replacement.


The full report from our inspection in December is now in school and a copy is displayed in the Nursery reception area. Copies are available on request from the school office.


Please find attached information, regarding Additional Support Needs, which may be of interest to many parents.


A letter to parents regarding the administration of medicines during the school day was recently issued to all parents. Please return the tear-off slip from the second page and, if necessary appendix 6 for P4-7 pupils who require asthma inhalers. If you did not receive a letter or have misplaced it, please call the school office for a replacement.


Thank you to the parents/grandparents who have volunteered to be swim escorts for the remainder of the school session. A timetable has now been drawn up and issued to the volunteers.

Unfortunately the Fun Swim Relay for P5-7 pupils had to be cancelled when the heating at the pool broke down. I have not yet been given a rescheduled date but will stick with the teams already chosen and inform parents who may wish to spectate as soon as I have that information.

Just a reminder that Primary 3 start swimming next term and Primary 6 have to meet Mrs Griffiths at the pool at 9.00 am on swim days as Primary 7 are no longer swimming.


The pupils from P5-7 participated in the Fun maths sessions in Mount Pleasant. We played host to several other local schools too and all the children seemed to have a great time.

P6 and 7 took part in the Hands On Science activities in Thurso High School and as always, represented their school well with excellent behaviour.

I hope parents will join me in thanking Professor Iain Baikie and his band of volunteers for their part in organising the Science O3 festival and providing so many fun activities for so many children locally.


All uniform orders must be in the school office by Thursday, 24 March if parents wish to ensure they have them ready for the start of the new session.


Pupils and staff raised a total of �403.08. Thank you to staff for helping organise and supervise the activities and to the parents and children for their efforts in dressing in red/BIG hairdos/face painting, etc. The Barnett Drive went exceptionally well and is an activity we may repeat in the future.


The bag packing held over Friday evening and all day Saturday raised a grand total of �902 despite a shortage of volunteers. Many thanks to the volunteers who doubled up their sessions to cover. Hopefully we�ll have more volunteers next time.

Copies of PTA minutes are available on the website and also on the notice board outside the office.


Copies of School Board minutes are available on the website and also on the notice board outside the office. The next meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday, 9 May. This month�s prize draw will be drawn tomorrow Thursday 24 March.


Any items left in the Lost Property Box at the end of term will be put to the Red Cross shop along with the rest of our collection of clothing for the Blue Peter Appeal.


We are participating in the Blue Peter Appeal, which involves us collecting clean clothes, in good condition (NO SHOES). Hilary will be collecting these items at the school office each morning. This activity will continue until the October Break.


We continue to collect:

� Empty ink cartridges.

� Stamps

� Persil Stars

� Nestle Box Tops

� Aluminium Cans


School Closes (at the end of the school day on)             School Opens (9.00 am on)

Thursday, 24 March 2005                                                     Tuesday, 12 April 2005

Friday, 29 April 2005                                                            Tuesday, 3 May 2005

Friday, 1 July 2005 (12.00)                                                    Tuesday, 16 August 2005

Friday, 7 October 2005                                                         Monday, 24 October 2005

Friday, 4 November 2005                                                     Wednesday, 9 November 2005

Thursday, 22 December 2005                                               Monday, 9 January 2006

Wednesday, 8 February 2006                                                Tuesday, 14 February 2006

Friday, 31 March 2006                                                          Wednesday, 19 April 2006

Friday, 30 June 2006