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19 AUGUST 2005

Welcome back to a new school year.

Children now seem to be in the way of wearing our school uniform and looked so smart coming back on the first day. If anyone requires items of uniform we hold a small stock in school or items can be ordered fairly quickly. We also have school and house team badges available at tuck time at a cost of �1 for the enamel house team badge and 50p for the school badge.

Accompanying this newsletter are:

� Emergency contact details we hold for your child(ren). Please check the details and return by Friday 26 August.
� The new six week school menu which should be kept for reference.

Just to remind you that it is Highland Council Policy, if a pupil is off school for more than 3 days without explanation I am required to contact parents. I would ask that parents do not take any offence when contacted, this is something all schools are now required to do. Please telephone the school or send in a note to advise of the reason for your child�s absence before the 3 day deadline. Your help in this matter is much appreciated.

Just a reminder that all jewellery should be removed before participating in ay PE activities, including swimming. If children wear jewellery to school they should be able to remove it themselves.

If children cannot participate in PE/swimming lessons for any reason, a letter of explanation should be sent to the class teacher.

The school will not be held responsible for injury caused by the wearing of jewellery.

Children are allows drinks in class as the classes do get very warm but should only have water in their bottles, not juice. Sports caps are preferred to avoid any spillages spoiling school books. Bottles of water are available from the school tuck shop (35p).

We have a �Celebrating Success� board in the Main Hall where we display photographs of children�s achievements, eg football, dancing trophies, etc. Please encourage your child to let us know of any achievements out of school to let us display them on our Celebrating Success Board.

Free School Meals/Clothing Grant forms are available from the office. Entitlements are as follows:

Free School Meals entitlement:
� Income Support OR
� Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance OR
� Child Tax Credit BUT NO Award of Working Tax Credit and an annual income which does not exceed �13,910
� Support under Part VI of the Immigration Asylum Act 1999.

Clothing Grant entitlement:
� Income Support OR
� Income-based Job Seekers Allowance OR
� Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit � with NHS Exemption OR
� Widowed Person�s Allowance

This assistance is not available for Nursery pupils.

The activities we have are mainly sporting orientated and for the older children. Some of these activities will not be continuing over the winter months so if any parents have any ideas or are interested in taking an after school club, please contact the school office to make the necessary arrangements. I am particularly interested in establishing a craft club where over the course of the year children will be able to learn about different crafts. If you would be able to help out for even a few weeks, this would be greatly appreciated.

As you will know we regularly support local and national charities throughout the school year. This year we have decided to support:

Term 1 � CLIC Sargent/The Roald Dahl Foundation
Term 2 � The Big Sing � The African Childrens� Choir Charity/CLIC Sargent
- Children in Need
Term 3 � Individual classes will choose which local charities to give donations to from the profits from their Enterprise projects
Term 4 � Action Research

A full copy of the School Development Plan is available on request to borrow from the school office. Although I have not completed collating the information from the parent questionnaire issued from before the summer break it is clear that this is an area where many parents feel they need more information. I will issue a separate note to parents specifically about the school development plan for 2005/6.

Thank you to all parents who returned the questionnaires last term, I realised it was very short notice. As I have not yet collated the information there is still an opportunity for parents to complete questionnaires. If you require a fresh copy please contact the school office. All returns are required by Friday, 26 August.

In accordance with guidelines in dealing with head lice in schools if head lice are found or suspected then parents will be informed by means of a confidential telephone call/letter. Children will not be excluded from school but parents should take prompt action in dealing with them.

Thank you for supporting the school by encouraging your children to participate in the Teddy Bear�s Picnic last term. Agnes put on a tremendous spread for us and the picnic was a great success.

We raised �222 for Action Research by having the lucky dip and selling the badges. The winner of the Paddington Bear was Alexander Gunn. Well done to everyone.

We are looking for volunteers to train to be cycling proficiency trainers for P6 pupils. There will be a 2 hour training session at 1.00 pm on Tuesday, 27 September in Mount Pleasant School Parents� Room. If you would like to participate in the cycling proficiency training for Mount Pleasant School, please complete the cycling proficiency tear-off slip at the end of the newsletter.

Ceira Sutherland, P2, lost her Mount Pleasant rain jacket at the end of last term, her name is on it. Please check your child�s jacket to ensure they haven�t inadvertently taken Ceira�s home.

Can I remind parents that no pupils should be dropped off on Castletown Road. Parents should use the Castle Terrace car park as a drop off point which then allows children to cross with the crossing patroller.

Lisa Graham, Highland Council Road Safety Officer, has asked me to pass on the following information:

�Highland Council in partnership with Northern Constabulary and Halfords Ltd are running a Child Car Seat Checking Day at Somerfield, Millbank Road, Thurso on Thursday, 1 September between 10.30 am and 3.00 pm.�

Thank you to the parents who came along to our Festival Concert afternoon. The children put on a great performance and enjoyed having you as their audience.

We will shortly be issuing Bulb Man catalogues for autumn bulbs. Any money raised from this fundraising activity will go towards additional resources for the School Nature Garden.

The PTA disco last term raised �456. Thank you to all the staff and parents who helped with the supervision of the disco. We have not yet decided what this money will be spent on but this will be discussed at the first PTA meeting of the year. New parents should feel free to join us at this meeting and find out more about the function of the PTA.

Copies of PTA minutes are available on the school website and also on the notice board outside the office. The next PTA meeting will be held at 3.15pm on Thursday, 25 August.

The winner of June�s prize draw was Sharon Begg (Liam, P6). Copies of School Board minutes are available on the school website and also on the notice board outside the office. The school board prize draw will restart next week. Look out for it coming home in your child�s school bag. The next meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday, 12 September.

Members are: Mr S Duncan, Chairman Mrs S MacKrell, Treasurer
Mr E Falconer Mrs D Peddie
Mrs A Robertson-Carswell Mr J Miller
Mrs K Farmer Mr T Jackson, Councillor
Mrs H Geddes, Clerk

We continue to collect:
� Items for Blue Peter Appeal � clean clothes in good condition, no shoes
� Empty ink cartridges.
� Stamps
� Persil Stars
� Nestle Box Tops
� Aluminium Cans (cleaned, crushed and in a carrier bag)

School Closes (at the end of the school day on) School Opens (9.00 am on)
Friday, 7 October 2005 Monday, 24 October 2005
Friday, 4 November 2005 Wednesday, 9 November 2005
Thursday, 22 December 2005 Monday, 9 January 2006
Wednesday, 8 February 2006 Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Friday, 31 March 2006 Wednesday, 19 April 2006
Friday, 30 June 2006








Sausage & Mashed Potato

Chicken Chow Mein

Broccoli and Sweetcorn

Museli Slice & Chocolate Milk

Macaroni and Cheese

Fishcakes & Ketchup

Boiled Potatoes, Peas, Carrots

Ice Cream & Fruit Sauce

Roast Beef, Potatoes, Gravy

Pork & Potato Bake

Green Beans & Cauliflower

Banana Cake & Custard

Carrot Soup

Fish & Chips

Cheese & Pineapple Salad & Chips

Coleslaw & Mixed Veg

Spaghetti Bolognaise

Egg or Tuna Sandwiches

Grated Carrot & Cucumber Sticks

Rice Pudding & Fruit


Savoury Minced Beef

Fishy Bites

Mashed Potato

Green Beans & Mixed Veg

Angel Whip

Chicken Fajitas (Wraps)

Sweet & Sour Pork & Noodles

Sweetcorn & Mixed Salad

Chocolate Semolina & Fruit

Beefburgers in a Bun


Baked Beans & Grated Carrot

Fresh Fruit Salad & Cream

Ham Risotto

Fish Fingers & Chips

Peas & Broccoli

Fruit Loaf & Custard

Chicken Curry & Rice

Baked Potato with Cheese or Tuna

Cucumber Sticks & Green Salad

Toffee Muffins & Custard


Hot Dogs in a Roll

Macaroni & Cheese

Peas & Braised Onions

Fruit Sponge & Custard

Vegetable Soup

Sweet & Sour Pork with Rice

Turkey/Ham Salad, Potato Croquettes

Beetroot & Sweetcorn

Fish Fingers

Roast Beef & Gravy

Roast Potatoes, Green Beans and Broccoli

Carrot Cake

Chicken Curry

Salmon Kebabs

Rice & Roasted Vegetable Couscous

Cucumber & Carrot Sticks

Jelly Whip

Beef Casserole & Mashed Potato

Pitta Pocket with Tuna or Cheese Salad

Shredded Cabbage & Grated Carrot

Meringues & Fruit


Venison Burger in a Bun


Salad Selection & Coleslaw

Semolina & Fruit

BBQ Chicken & Rice/Couscous

Jacket Potato with Chilli

Broccoli & Cucumber

Fruit Crumble & Custard

Fish in Breadcrumbs

Pork Sausages

Mashed Potatoes, Baked Beans & Peas

Ice Cream & Sliced Banana

Roast Pork & Gravy

Salmon Kebabs

Roast Potatoes

Green Beans & Carrots

Banana Cake

Mince & Tatties

Macaroni & Cheese

Sweetcorn & Turnip

Meringue Nests filled with Fruit


Chicken Stir Fry & Noodles

Tuna and Red Pepper Risotto

Sweetcorn & Peas

Fruit Crumble & Custard

Shepherds Pie

Fishcakes & Ketchup

Boiled Potatoes,

Diced Carrots & Cabbage


Macaroni & Cheese

Roast Pork & Gravy

Roast Potatoes

Broccoli & Cauliflower Florets

Choc Chip Banana Muffins

Scotch Broth

Sausage Casserole & Mashed Potatoes

Turnip & Green Beans

Ham or Egg Sandwiches & Salad

Chicken Curry & Rice/Couscous

Jacket Potatoes with cheese or tuna

Carrots & Cucumber

Flapjack & Glass of Milkshake


Bangers & Mash

Vegetable Lasagne

Sweetcorn & Broccoli Florets

Cookies & Banana Milk

Spaghetti Bolognaise

Tuna or Chicken Wrap

Green Beans & Carrots

Toffee Muffins

Fish & Chips

Chicken Burger & Chips

Mixed Veg & Coleslaw

Semolina & Fruit

Roast Turkey & Gravy

Fishermans Pie

Boiled Potatoes

Peas & Broccoli

Jelly & Cream

Beef Curry & Rice

Baked Potato with Cheese or Tuna

Cauliflower Florets &

Tomato Wedges

Pears & Chocolate Custard

All meals include assorted breads and a choice of milk, fruit juice or water. Fresh fruit or yoghurt are available as alternatives to pudding.
A vegetarian option is available on request. This menu has been nutritionally analysed and approved by our Dietician and Hungry for Success