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17 June 2005



� School will reopen on Tuesday, 16 August at 9.00 am.

� There will be no cooked school meals on the last day of term, however, any children requiring a school lunch may book a packed lunch with Agnes on Thursday, 30 June.

� Any lost property left on the last day of term will be bagged and handed in to one of the local charity shops.

� No more recycling materials or Blue Peter sacks will be accepted after Monday 27 June. We will restart these collections on the first day back.


Thank you all for coming along to support your children at their recent sports day. We all had a lovely time and I�m sure you will agree the children certainly looked the part in their house team colours.

The Winning House Team was Thor with 142 points, second was Sinclair with 113 points and third was Harald with 112 points. The Sports Champions were:

� Boys: Dagan Mackay and Ross Allan (1st Equal)

� Girls: Leah Bremner

Well done to everyone who took part on the day and gave their best efforts.

Sunglasses were found in the field following sports day. If you think they are yours, please call at the office to claim them.


Congratulations to all of the children who participated in the Music Festival last week. The children are not only to be commended on their performances but also on their behaviour. Thank you too to the parents who helped with the supervision and transporting of children to and from the festival this year, your help was very much appreciated.

As I am aware, many of you were unable to get to see your children perform, and some of you who did were so far back your children were just dots on the horizon. The school will be putting on its own performance for pupils and any parents/grandparents who wish to come along on Friday, 24th June from 2.00-3.00 pm. There will be no charge for this event. Children who competed at the Festival were invited to volunteer to perform in our own show so not all competitors will take part, only those who volunteered. If you intend coming along, please fill in the tear-off slip at the end of this newsletter and return to the school office by Wednesday, 22nd June to let us know how many seats we will require to set out. It would be helpful if our spectators could be seated by 1.50 pm. Entry will be via the main office door from 1.30-1.50 pm.


As part of Healthy Highland Week (20-26 June), Agnes has suggested we have a healthy picnic lunch one day that week. As we had already planned our Teddy Bears Picnic for Friday, 24th we have decided to combine the two activities to have a whole school picnic with fun activities over the lunchtime of the 24th. In conjunction with the School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG), Agnes has planned the following picnic menu from which the children may make a selection from:

v Sandwiches and rolls using assorted breads
v Baguettes
v Pitta Pockets
v Breadsticks
v Oatcakes

v Assorted fresh fruit pieces
v Assorted vegetable sticks
v Dried fruit
v Fresh fruit juice


v Cheese portions
v Milkshakes
v Yoghurts

v Eggs
v Cocktail sausages
v Salmon bites
v Smoked mackerel
v Chicken
v Nuts
v Crisps

We hope that as many pupils as possible will take part in this activity so to help Agnes and the kitchen staff get organised, please complete the booking slip below and return with payment (�1.45) by Tuesday, 21st June. Please note if your child is entitled to a free lunch you should return the booking slip but circle free school meal. I would like to thank Agnes and her staff for promoting healthy eating in a fun way.

The Teddy Bear�s picnic has been our charity fundraiser for Action Research for the last two years. To raise funds this year we are inviting children to buy Teddy�s lunch ticket for �1. the tickets will be numbered and will go into a prize draw which will be drawn during the activities on the 24th. Children may buy more than one ticket if they wish. The prize is a beautiful Paddington Bear teddy.


On Wednesday night Mount Pleasant was well represented at the Inter School Sports competition organised by Moira McBeath, Active Schools Coordinator. All the children performed well and despite the wet weather and the dreaded midges everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I would like to thank the staff who went along to supervise the children and the parents who came along to support them.


I received the following information via email and have been asked to pass it on.

Forestry Commission Scotland and the Highland Council Countryside Rangers are organising a free family event at Rumster Forest this Saturday running from 11.30am-2.30pm. There will be a forest challenge where each team will follow a trail around the forest learning about the magical properties and users of some of the plants living there. A free B-B-Q (with venison and veggie burgers) will follow the event. Start time is between 11.30am -12.30pm. The shorter trail (approximately 2 miles) can be done on foot. The longer trail (approximately 3 miles) can be done on bike. All children should be accompanied by a responsible adult and come prepared for outdoor weather.


Well done to all the children who have represented the school in the football and netball this year. I�m sure you all join with me in the following thank yous � Thank you to Mr Wu and

Mrs Wares for coaching the football and netball teams. A thank you too to Mr Gunn and

Mr McEwan for helping out with the football on match days. And last but not least thank you to our referees Bob Gunn and Ranald Mackay.

I�m delighted to say Ranald has offered to coach the football team next session. I�m sure the children will enjoy working with him.

There will be a special ceremony on Sunday, 14 August to commemorate and celebrate the 60th Anniversary of World War II. This will take place at Wick Airport commencing at 2.30 pm and finishing for 2.15 pm. All pupils have been invited to attend (in uniform where possible), and to assemble at the Airport for 2.15 pm. As this is during the summer holidays it is not possible for the school to organise and take a group along, however, I would be delighted if those of you who are planning to go would take your child with their uniform. The school would be very proud to be represented in this way.

During the month of September we will be issuing Bulb Man catalogues for autumn bulbs. Any money raised from this fundraising activity will go towards additional resources for the school Nature Garden.

I have been asked by Treats organisers to provide you with information about their work. Treats is a local charity funded organisation run by parents for parents. They provide childcare after school and over holiday breaks. Treats operates from a building in the Miller Academy school grounds. As well as activities at Treats they also include supervised visits to the local swimming pool and local play areas. Term time opening hours are 3 pm-5.30 pm Monday to Friday. Holiday opening times are 7.30 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday. Contact Kat on 893000 if you would like further information.

Copies of PTA minutes are available on the website and also on the notice board outside the office. The next PTA meeting will be held at 3.15pm on Thursday 25 August.

The winner of May�s prize draw was Sandy Duncan (Rachel, P5). Copies of School Board minutes are available on the website and also on the notice board outside the office. The next meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday, 27 June.

Free school meals/clothing grant forms for session 2005/06 are available from the office. Please find listed below the conditions of application:

Free school meal lunches are provided on the basis of the applicant being in receipt of:-

� Income Support OR

� Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance OR

� Child Tax Credit BUT NO Award of Working Tax Credit and an annual income which does not exceed �13,910

� Support under Part VI of the Immigration Asylum Act 1999

Assistance with footwear and school clothing is provided for school age children on the basis of the applicant being in receipt of: -

� Income Support OR

� Income-Based Job Seekers Allowance OR

� Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit - with NHS Exemption OR

� Widowed Person�s Allowance

There may also be exceptional circumstances when Assistance with Footwear and School Clothing may be given. Please Note - This assistance is not available for Nursery Pupils


If anyone can spare empty, clean washing up liquid bottles these would be gratefully received. To economise we now buy our paint in bulk and these make ideal containers for use in classes.


We continue to collect:

� Items for Blue Peter Appeal � clean clothes in good condition, no shoes

� Empty ink cartridges.

� Stamps

� Persil Stars � COLLECTION FINISHES Tuesday 20 June

� Nestle Box Tops � COLLECTION FINISHES Tuesday 20 June

� Aluminium Cans



School Closes (at the end of the school day on) School Opens (9.00 am on)

Friday, 1 July 2005 (12.30) Tuesday, 16 August 2005

Friday, 7 October 2005 Monday, 24 October 2005

Friday, 4 November 2005 Wednesday, 9 November 2005

Thursday, 22 December 2005 Monday, 9 January 2006

Wednesday, 8 February 2006 Tuesday, 14 February 2006

Friday, 31 March 2006 Wednesday, 19 April 2006

Friday, 30 June 2006


I will be attending Mount Pleasant�s Music Festival Concert on 24th June and would like ______ seats.

Child�s Name: _____________________________________ Class ________________

Parent/Carer�s Signature: _____________________________ Date: _______________


I wish to book a dinner ticket for Friday, 24th June for the Teddy Bear�s Picnic for

Child�s Name: __________________________________- Class _____________

*And enclose �1.45 payment * Free School Meal

* Please circle appropriate choice


I wish to buy ___ lucky draw ticket(s) and enclose payment of �______ (�1 each).

Child�s Name: __________________________________- Class _____________

Child�s Name: __________________________________- Class _____________

Child�s Name: __________________________________- Class _____________