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10 November 2005


Snow Queen for N4 � P2 Friday 11 November

Book Fair Week beginning Monday 14 November

School Photographer Monday, 14 November

School Board Meeting Monday, 14 November

Parents� Evenings Tuesday 15 and Wednesday 16 November

Cake Day Friday 18 November

Last swim day for P4-7 Wednesday 7 December

Christmas Show date Tuesday 13 December

Christmas Lunch Wednesday, 14 December

Christmas Party P1-3 Tuesday, 20 December

Christmas Party P4-7 Wednesday, 21 December

By now all photo slips should have been returned. If you did not receive one but would like an individual/family photo taken in school please contact the school office to make the necessary arrangements.

If you requested a parents� evening appointment your slip should be attached to this newsletter with details of your appointment date and time. If you were expecting an appointment and have no details attached please contact the school office to make the necessary arrangements.

On Parents� Evenings Active Schools Co-ordinator, Kenny Russell will be in the Main Hall to meet with parents and talk about his work. As usual we will have the Scholastic Book Fair for parents to view. Children will have the opportunity to view the books during class time. We will also have a small display of some of the new resources we are using as a result of our participation in the Highland Council�s Literacy Project.

Thank you to the parents who came along to the SRTS meeting with Ms Graham, Road Safety Officer. We have taken on board her advice and the bid will go ahead and details will be issued to parents once the bid is complete. During the meeting Ms Graham agreed to fund the installation of cycle storage for 20 bikes in the senior playground area from her concessionary fund. This will cost approximately �1000. I will inform parents once the installation is complete.

Copies of School Board minutes are available on the school website and also on the notice board outside the office. The next meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday, 14 November.

Open meeting with Mrs farmer � 9/11/05
Despite parents indicating they would like more opportunities to find out what goes on in the school no one attended the meeting arranged for Wednesday 9 November. One or two parents phoned to give their apologies which would suggest it might be worthwhile trying to arrange another date. The next Open Meeting for all parents will be on Tuesday 17 January 2006 at 3.15pm in the Parents� Room. Please note children can come to these meetings with you. The meetings are an informal opportunity to ask questions. Again it would be helpful to me to have an idea of the things you want to know more about, therefore a quick call to the office with your question a few days before hand would be most helpful. I look forward to seeing a few of you at the next meeting.

Thank you to David Sinclair and Donna Dunnett who joined me to become Scottish Cycle Trainers (previously known as Cycling Proficiency). For some time now we have been trying to bring cycle training further down the school to allow more children to cycle to school. Now that we have three trainers we hope that by the end of this session we will have both P6 and P7 ready to cycle to school next session.

One or two parents who expressed an interest were unable to attend the recent training day due to other commitments. If they are still interested in being trained or any other parents are interested in being trained in the future please contact the school office. As children move on into the High School we tend to lose trainers and it would be great to keep enough parents trained to maintain cycling in P6 and P7 in the future.

Please find attached a leaflet showing some of the books which will be available at our forthcoming book fair. Please note this is for information only and should not be used to order books. The book fair will run for the week of the parents� evenings so parents will also have the opportunity to view the fair. Parents are also welcome to come and view the books during the school day by arrangement. We have a separate order form for parents who may wish to order books for children as gifts, etc.

As usual all children will visit the fair during the school day. The children write down two or three titles which appeal to them and take their slip home to let parents see their choices. Parents can then delete/add any titles they wish. Once parents are happy with the order children should return their slips to the school office with payment by Tuesday, 22 November. Orders usually take two to three weeks to arrive so we should have them by the end of term.

Parents should note feel obliged to buy books from the fair, however, we have found the overall standard of the books and services provided by Scholastic to be excellent and the school receives 60% commission in book purchases. We will use this commission to supplement our library and project resources.

I need 8 parent volunteers to supervise the stalls for 30 minute sessions over the two evenings. If you can help in this way, please complete the tear-off slip at the end of this newsletter. Thank you in anticipation.

Also during our Book Fair week each child will be issued with a free raffle ticket and two lucky winners will be drawn on Friday, 18 November. The winners will choose one book each from the Book Fair.

The AGM last week was very poorly attended with no new faces. The PTA play a hugely important role in supporting the school. Concerns were expressed at the meeting that some parents may not be aware that any parent can join the PTA and two members agreed to put out specific information for parents. The next meeting will be an EGM and the date is to be set. The PTA will issue information regarding this shortly.

Copies of PTA minutes are available on the school website and also on the notice board outside the office.


We continue to collect:

� Empty ink cartridges.

� Stamps

� Persil Stars

� Nestle Box Tops

� Tesco Sports Vouchers


School Closes                                         School Opens (9.00 am on)
(at the end of the school day on)          

Thursday, 22 December 2005                           Monday, 9 January 2006

Wednesday, 8 February 2006                           Tuesday, 14 February 2006

Friday, 31 March 2006                                       Wednesday, 19 April 2006

Friday, 30 June 2006                                          Tuesday, 15 August 2006

Friday, 6 October 2006                                      Monday, 23 October 2006

Thursday, 21 December 2006                           Monday, 8 January 2007

Friday, 30 March 2007                                       Monday, 16 April 2007

Thursday, 28 June 2007                                    Tuesday, 14 August 2007

Friday, 5 October 2007                                      Monday, 22 October 2007

Thursday, 20 December 2007                           Monday, 7 January 2008

Thursday, 20 March 2008                                  Monday, 7 April 2008

Friday, 27 June 2008


I am willing to help out at the book fair during the following session(s): (Please tick the appropriate box)



















Signed __________________________________ Child�s Name ____________________

Name of Parent/Carer: _____________________________ Tel No: ________________0
