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Primary 7 pupils from Lybster, travelled up to Thurso recently to visit the Thurso Heritage Museum, thanks to their teacher Mrs Stewart, prior to their visit the class had visited the Victorian Classroom at Miller Academy School, in Thurso. There as part of their studies they were shown how youngsters were taught during the Victorian period, they even managed to dress up in period costumes to make things more authentic. They thoroughly enjoyed their trip back into the past, and are perhaps glad that the days of the taws and cane are no longer.

Local historian, Alan McIvor then showed them round the museum, although the museum won’t be open to the public until 11 June the class received a sneak preview of some of the new displays which will be featured.

The class were shown the standing stones and fossil collection, as well as how the flagworks operated down by the harbour, cutting flag that was to exported all over the world.

The famous Robert Dick Collection is always featured and the children were shown rare examples of his collection which was collected during his travels.

The pupils were kept guessing when they were shown different domestic appliances from years gone by which are featured in the reproduction of the Caithness Croft House, and it was also surprising to see how quick they were at identifying them.

Alan then took them on a guided walk around the town pointing out the most prominent features, as well as explaining how some of the everyday living would off taken place in Thurso.

Alan said that it was “very encouraging to see youngsters being taught local history and its hoped that other school groups would arrange to visit the museum to learn about their past”. He also added that it was “important to see information about there forefathers being passed on before it s too late”.

“Lots of people have stories and old photographs at there fingertips and when these are lost, they are lost forever so its important to record this for future generations”.

“We are always looking for material of local interest to use as displays”. “There are so many subjects that can be touched upon, transport, boats, flagsworks, wourthies, famous people, shops, folk lore, fishing, the list is endless”. “Unfortunately we have limited space but we try to change some of the displays, so there’s always something new every season, for visitors and locals alike”.


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