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Hillhead Newsletter Index

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Schools & Education

Hillhead Primary School - Newsletter

At Hillhead we aim to make our children successful learners. Our pupils will value themselves as individuals and strive to achieve their full potential. We will provide them with a variety of stimulating learning experiences in a caring environment.


Dear Parent,

In May 2006 the pupils in Primaries 3 to 7 and all staff were surveyed on what makes a good learner at Hillhead. The top ten responses have been made in to a poster which all classrooms will display so as all pupils have these targets available to compare their own performance against. Hillhead�s top 10 ways to be a good learner based on the views of pupils and staff are:

1. Listen carefully 2. Finish your work 3. Get on with your classmates 4. Work hard 5. Be kind to others 6. Be polite 7. Be happy and positive 8. Act on advice given 9. Look after property 10. Do your homework well

A small A5 laminated sheet of these important characteristics will be distributed to each family in the school over the next fortnight. Identifying specific behaviours and targets for children has proved to be a useful way in influencing their learning and behaviour.

The school kitchen continues to have difficulties meeting the late demands of pupils for lunches. Last week a total of 51 people came up and ordered a school lunch the day they wanted to have it. This late increase in numbers is very difficult for the kitchen to deal with. Could you wherever possible make sure that your child books all the school lunches he or she may require that week on the Monday? They can be paid for then or the day the child receives the lunch. Please do try and help the kitchen by giving them notice of your child�s dinner needs on the Monday.

Just a reminder that you should phone in to say that your child will not be attending school on any day. It also removes the need for you to write a note to explain any absence.

A number of pupils have been appointed to positions within the school following pupil elections. The house captains and vice captains are:
House Captain Vice Captain
Girnigoe Tanya Howden Liam Macleod
Sandigoe Richard Budge Emma Coghill
Shelligoe Alex More Andrew Dunnett
Whaligoe Ryan Aitken Erin Mackay
A number of other Primary 7 pupils have also assumed positions of responsibility around the school. Future newsletters will tell you a little about the work some of these Primary 7 pupils are doing to assist the school. Pupil Council
members have also been elected and details of the council will appear in the next newsletter.

The large fruit display which has presented such a colourful backdrop in the hall is beginning to show its age. A replacement is now due. To this end the school has chosen the topic of Scotland. This ties in well with the Highland Year of Culture and it is important that the pupils are aware of the national identity of their country. In previous years all pupils have been involved in art activities on the same day to emphasize that the art wall is a whole school project and to get the huge amount of art required to cover the wall finished in one day. September 15th has been chosen as the day of art. All pupils from nursery to Primary 7 will be working on items for the wall display on this day. If you feel you were able to help any of the classes with their art work on the Friday or assist in putting it all up on the big wall on the Monday (18th September), please advise the school. We would be delighted to hear of any help we could get in connection with this.

This event which is held every two years is always one which the school has supported. One of the school aims is to contribute positively to the community. This year�s Heritage Fair is to be held in Thurso High School on the weekend of 23rd and 24th September. The fair is composed of displays by organisations, groups and schools from throughout the county and have a common theme of CAITHNESS.

This year the school has applied to enter three displays. These are 1. A display of the maritime rag rugs which the pupils in Primary 4 to 7 produced with the artist Sally Orr. 2. Primary 7 pupils have recently visited Sinclair and Girnigoe castle and will receive two visits from the archaeologists who are working there. A display will result from this work.
3. The nursery pupils will look at a field, pre- and post harvest at Hillhead Farm. Their work including some acrylic paintings of this on canvas frames will create a display.

For those parents unable to attend the Thurso event, we hope to once again show the school displays at the parent open afternoon on October 2nd 2006

The school was recently asked to choose a player to take part in a penalty competition. The competition was held at half time in the Martin Gunn testimonial match which saw Wick Academy play Inverness Caledonian. Thistle. Hymie chose Primary 7 pupil Richard Budge. The competition proved a thrilling one with Richard and another competitor on equal terms until the third �Sudden death� penalty when Richard won the competition. Well done to Richard for keeping a cool head in a very pressurized atmosphere in front of a large crowd at the Harmsworth Park.

Following Primary 7�s recent success in winning the ICT and Learning category at the 2006 Scottish Education Awards, class teacher Mr Henderson has been asked to make a presentation at the SETT conference in Glasgow on Tuesday 19th September. This is the major annual event which looks at technology and education in Scotland. It is a great compliment for Mr Henderson and the school that he has been asked to make a presentation at such a prestigious gathering. It will also give Mr Henderson a valuable opportunity to look at some of the most recent developments in educational technology which could be used in Hillhead.

Look out for the September Parent Tip sheet accompanying this letter. For those pupils in Primary 1 to 7 it will also contain the pupil challenges for the Highland Year of Culture. Do encourage your child to tackle each of these monthly challenges. A separate activity sheet for nursery pupils will be distributed next week.

The writer Simon Puttock will visit school on Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th September. He will talk to pupils in Primaries 2, 3, 4 and 5. Simon Puttock has written a large number of children�s picture books and he is reputed to give an entertaining performance to the pupils. The school has currently purchased a number of his books and the pupils in these classes have been enjoying them in preparation for his visit. This author visit is as a result of a successful application to Live Literature Scotland and is largely funded by this organisation.

Robyn (Primary 3) and Grant (nursery have a new baby brother. Matthew Aitkenhead was born on August 14th and weighed in at 7lb 4oz. Big sister Robyn says her new brother �likes to lie down and look around the room.� Grant says �He looks like my granddad.�

Dean Salim in Primary 2 has a new baby sister Ellie who arrived on the 16th July. Dean says �She lies down a lot and likes her bottle of milk�

A new baby sister for Keiran and Lesley Christie. Gemma Ella Christie was born on August 28th and weighed in at 8lbs 4oz. Primary 4 pupil Keiran says �She�s beautiful.� Primary 2 sister Lesley says �She is tiny and she�s got really little hands and fingernails.�

James Thain in the nursery has a new baby brother- Kieran Robert Murray was born on August 27th and weighed in at 7lb 12oz, James says that little Keiran � makes funny faces and he gets his bottles out of the fridge.�

Chloe Sinclair in Primary 5 has a new baby cousin called Sam. Chloe says �He is tiny and cute and I love giving him his bottle.

Monday 11th September Primary 1 pupils start full days at school.
Monday 2nd October Parents� open Afternoon from 1.40pm
Friday 6th October ; School breaks up for October holidays.
Monday 23rd October: School resumes after October holidays
Yours faithfully
