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Hillhead Newsletter Index

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Hillhead Primary School - Newsletter

At Hillhead we aim to make our children successful learners. Our pupils will value themselves
 as individuals and strive to achieve their full potential. We will provide them with a variety of
 stimulating learning experiences in a caring environment.


Dear Parent,

Already the first term draws to an end. This seems to have been a very busy time at school.

Primary 4 and Primary 6 have both produced items for sale. Primary 4 are making tablemats which show views of Wick on one side and self portraits of each class on the other. These can be ordered in any combination of photographs of Wick and classes to make up a total of six. The cost is �3 per set of six. Individual tablemats can also be purchased for �1 each. Please advise Primary 4 if you wish to place an order.

Primary 6 produced some envelopes from old calendars and glossy magazines. These were very colourful and make quite a green statement for your mail. Primary 7 would still be interested in receiving any old mobile phones this week or the first week of next term.

Pupil Council members have also been elected in elections held from Primary 3 to 7. The following members have been elected. Ryan Paul, Jade Plowman (Primary 3), Caitlin Carter, Jack Hamilton (Primary 4) Calum Cormack, Katie Cunningham (Primary 5) Matthew Sinclair, Kara Plowman (Primary 6), Cameron Duffy, Michael Budge, and Zoe Sutherland (Primary 7). The group have met twice already and a charity fundraising day will be planned for next term. Further details will be issued early next term.

The parent open afternoon on Monday 2nd October was particularly well attended � indeed it broke all previous attendances with 89% of pupils having a family visitor to look at their work. Many thanks to all the parents who responded to questions concerning the pupil folios and the Highland Year of Culture. Thanks also to those who wrote down suggestions for books for the library. We are still happy to receive more ideas about any of these matters.

The school is keen to encourage children to read for pleasure during this school year. There are five separate initiatives which we hope will help us achieve this.

1.Bring Writers To The School
The writer Simon Puttock visited school last week to speak to pupils from the nursery to primary 5. This was possible through a successful application for funding to Live Literature Scotland. The school hopes to make another application to this scheme to fund the visit of at least one other writer in the spring/summer term.

2. An Exchange Of Bookmarks With India And China.
All pupils in Hillhead will exchange a bookmark with pupils from schools in Ahmedabad in India and Tianjin in China.

3. Community Link
Research has shown that children are more likely to read if they see adults around them reading. The school, has written to 40 people from the community asking them to come in and read a story to the pupils. This initiative will take place in November.

4. Join The Triple �B� Gang
The school will launch a reading at home scheme early in November. It will concentrate its efforts on encouraging children to read at bedtime � �The Triple B Gang� stands for Brilliant Books at Bedtime. Parents will be asked to encourage their child to either share reading a book at bedtime or for the child to read a book at bedtime. A record will be kept of the child�s reading at bedtime. This scheme will run through until March � full details will be sent out early next term. Please do encourage your child to take part in this scheme. It is the major focus of our drive to develop reading in the school. The scheme will be launched through a whole school day focus on a cowboy theme on Friday November 3rd.

5. Developing The Library Stock
Please let us know of any books which you would recommend for the school library.

Celtic Football Club have organised two days of training for boys and girls It will take place at the Naver all weather pitch in Thurso on Saturday Oct 7th and 8th The course for the 9 to 12 year olds runs from 9am � 12noon and for the 5 to 8 year olds it runs from 1pm � 3pm. The course costs �10 and can be booked by telephone on 0845 671 1888 or over the internet at:

The recent corridor competition asked pupils to draw pictures which illustrated one of the four disciplines of A Curriculum for Excellence: successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens or effective contributors. The final pictures which were chosen as winners are now framed in the school�s entrance corridor. They are by Jordan Oag (Primary 7), Kyle Gunn (Primary 6), Erin MacDonald (Primary 5), Caitlin Carter (Primary 4), Stephanie Leith (Primary 3), Ben Hervo (Primary 2) and Sophie Campbell, Rhea Booth, Kaitlin Gunn and Alannah Hay (all of Primary 1).

The school had a very successful time at the East of Caithness mini rugby tournament held in Wick North School on August 28th and 29th. Teams from Primary 4, 5, 6 and 7 all won through to the final of their competitions with Primary 4 coming out as overall winners. Well done to the Primary 4 team of Ryan Cormack, Jack Fraser, Connor Harcus, Scott Gunn, Scott Macadie, Lucy Aitken and Morgan Robertson.

Thank you also to Mr Frame who had taken all the senior classes for some touch rugby training in the weeks before the tournament.

The school also acquitted themselves well in the Wick Junior Triathlon which was held on September 10th. Three teams were entered for each category. In the Primary 4/5 division, the Hillhead teams were placed 4th, 5th and 8th from 12 teams. In the Primary 6/7 category, the Hillhead teams obtained 2nd, 5th and 10th place from 14 entries. The organisers have provided all competitors with a rather attractive Wick Triathlon 2006 tee shirt to mark their efforts.

As you will know 2007 is the year of Highland Culture. Pupils will be involved in a variety of activities to do with the Highlands. One of the things which we are asking pupils to do is complete a small Highland based challenge each month until the end of this session. These challenges always appear in the monthly parent Tip sheet. To date the number of pupils who have participated in these activities is very disappointing. A new challenge is issued for October in this month�s tip sheet. Please encourage and support your child to achieve this. Many thanks.

Mr Green the school chef has now left his position in the kitchen. During his 21 months here, he has provided the pupils with some great special meals and visual presentations of healthy eating. We are grateful for all his efforts and enthusiasm. We wish him well in his new position with Tescos.

There will be an AGM of the Parent Teachers Association on the evening of Wednesday 25th October at 7.00pm. All parents are invited to attend. The PTA has done a fine job in recent years in organising two activities per year for pupils. Parents and staff to attend. We would be very grateful to have some new parent support in these ventures this year.

The school lunch menu will be on WEEK 3 for the first week after the October holidays.

Friday 6th October; School breaks up for October holidays.
Monday 23rd October: School resumes after October holidays
Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st November School will be closed to pupils for In Service Days

I hope that you and your family will have a happy time during the October holidays.

Yours faithfully
