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Hillhead Newsletter Index

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Schools & Education

Hillhead Primary School - Newsletter

JUNE 2005

Dear Parent,
As ever June is a very busy month so I thought it would be timely to produce another newsletter with some important pieces of information for you.

Pupils in Primary 7 have now received their classes for the High School. Next week on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th June they will visit the High School for two days. Pupils should make their own way to High School and home again. Where appropriate they may use existing Wick High School transport to get to and from school. Wherever possible, pupils should stay in the High School over lunch time. The High School cafeteria will be available to them. Pupils who receive free school meals will receive a credit at the cafeteria, which can be used to purchase items. Pupils should bring the normal school items to High School such as pencil, short ruler, rubber and pen.

The annual 5 a side football competition involving house teams from Hillhead and the smaller rural schools on this side of the county will take place at the school pitch on Saturday 11th June at 2pm. This year, teams from Watten, Bower, Canisbay and Crossroads as well as the four house teams from Hillhead will participate. Hillhead teams are chosen by the captains and vice captains and they will have notified them if they have been chosen to represent their house team. The event is normally a very enjoyable one and parents are invited, indeed encouraged to attend. are invited, indeed encouraged to attend. A tuck shop will be available on the afternoon.

Healthy Features
The week commencing June 20th � June 25th has been designated as Healthy Highland Week. As well as holding the school sports during the week there are a number of other healthy features, which the school is involved with. Every pupil in Primary 1 will receive a free toothbrush and tube of toothpaste. The nursery are to hold a mini activities morning on Thursday morning after which they and their parents will enjoy a healthy meal in the school canteen. Details have been passed to nursery pupils about this. Throughout the week the kitchen will serve a selection of meals with an increased emphasis on healthy eating. An attached menu shows what is on offer each day. Mr Green has some interesting specialities made with a wide variety of different types of fruit. In addition on Friday 24th June Mr Green is to provide a leaving barbecue for all Primary 7 pupils.

Last session you may recall that the school marked the sporting achievement of each of the players in the school netball and football teams with a framed photograph of the team. This resulted from the pupils identifying playing in the school team as one of the highlights of their time at Hillhead. These pictures were funded through a donation, which the school received for �308.50 from fundraising, which was carried out by Wick Thistle FC in memory of the ex-

Hillhead pupil Robert Munro. This session the sports team players will again receive a mounted photograph paid for through this donation. In addition it was felt that we would extend this photo scheme to the choirs and recorder groups who have represented us so well at the Music festival. Photographs will be distributed at the beginning of Healthy Highland Week. In each case there are a small number of extra mounted copies available on a first come-first served basis for �1 per mounted picture.

Finally to mark Healthy Highland Week pupils will be given home a form to fill in what they will do extra for Healthy Highland week. They could walk more, eat more fruit, eat their vegetables, brush their teeth twice a day, cycle or swim more. In fact anything which would improve their health. Please confirm that your child has done these things by signing the form. The class with the highest % of returned forms will get a special healthy class photograph each plus a piece of fruit.

Of course this event is a whole school community event and therefore we are also looking to parents (and staff) as to what they are going to do for Healthy Highland Week. The range of activities open to you is wide and all you need to do is fill in the form and make sure your child has confirmed that you have actually done these things! All completed forms (pupils, parents and staff) will go in to a prize fruit draw on the final week of term. So this is your chance to impress your child and underline to him or her the importance of healthy activities.

The Primary 6 pupils and current nursery pupils have now been paired up as buddies. They have spent some time together in the nursery and this will continue over the next few weeks. Both sets of pupils appear to really enjoy this link. Each buddy will shortly be provided with a picture fridge magnet of the buddy pairing.


Hillhead Primary School have returned to the traditional, oranges at full time for football and netball players in the local inter school matches. A traditional snack in the past they appear to have been overlookied in more recent years. However their return has been welcomed by pupils. They have gone down extremely well with the players from all teams. The pictures show football players Stephen Crawford, Richard Budge, Daniel budge and William Loughlin enjoying an after match orange. It looks like oranges are here to stay.

Report cards have now been distributed. Those parents who requested an appointment should have received details of an appointment time for a meeting with your child�s class teacher on Wednesday or Thursday of next week.

Yours faithfully

A Budge