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Hillhead Newsletter Index

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Schools & Education

Hillhead Primary School - Newsletter

JUNE 2005

Dear Parent,
This is the last monthly newsletter of the session. An end of session newsletter will also be produced covering prizewinners and the many other events, which will occur in June.

The school roll at Hillhead continues to hold up well. Although we loose 28 Primary 7 pupils a healthy 27 have now enrolled in nursery. The staffing at Hillhead next session will therefore
remain at the current level. The classes and teachers for next year will be as follows.

Nursery Teacher Yet to be appointed
Primary 1 Miss Donaldson Primary 2 Miss Mowat Primary 3 Miss MacDonald Primary 4 Mrs Frame Primary 5 Mrs Falconer Primary 6 Mrs Sinclair and Miss Gray Primary 7 Mr Henderson
Final decisions have yet to be made on the level of Support for Learning Teachers and classroom auxiliary support. Parents will be notified when decisions are made with regard to these appointments.

Once again Highland Council are to mark perfect attendance for pupils in session 2004-2005. A certificate will be awarded at the end of term service to each of the pupils who have not missed a day�s schooling this term. This session 16 pupils have 100% attendance. Well done to:
Primary 1 Keira Byrne
Primary 4 Ian Calder, Murray Grant, Matthew Sinclair
Primary 5 Cassandra Henderson (also 100% the year before last) , Liam Macleod, Connor Thomson (also 100% last year).
Primary 6 Paul Cameron, Andrew McCombie, Melissa MacGregor, Alexander Macleod, Rachel Munro, Lauren Sinclair.
Primary 7 Stephen Crawford (also 100% last year), Chloe McKiddie, Steven Wilson. (also 100% last year),

It is a particularly noteworthy achievement by brother and sister Matthew and Lauren Sinclair who have now both had 100% attendance for three consecutive years.

Report cards will be given out on Monday 6th June. Other details concerning parent meetings will also be attached. Do try and make a comment on the parent response sheet.

The Primary 7 trip to York was a very enjoyable one for all concerned this year. The weather was very good and the pupils conducted themselves very well. A small selection of some of the photographs we took on the trip are currently available on www.caithness.org .

The Primary 6 pupils spent a very enjoyable Friday afternoon at the continental market, which recently visited Wick. It was an ideal opportunity for them to try out their French language skills and class teacher Mrs Sinclair had kindly provided them with a phrase book which had been custom made for communicating at the market. An alphabet treasure hunt had also been organised by Mrs Sinclair. The five top entries each received a portion of tasty French cheese. They were Emma Evans, Lauren Sinclair, Matthew Thain, Sarah Paterson and Oceanne Camus.

Primary 5 pupils have recently been busy with their personal projects as homework. A wide range of topics was covered and some very fine efforts were produced. Finally five entries were picked out for special mention and each of the following pupils received a small prize at the recent whole school assembly. They were: Vicki Rosie for her project on animals, Declan Mackay for his project on motorbikes. Olivia Turner for her project on monkeys, Shannen Anderson for her project on farmyard animals and Paul Thain for his project on farming.

Primary 4 pupils recently had the honour of being the first official visitors to the restored fishing vessel �Isabella Fortuna� which is now berthed in the harbour. Primary 4 pupil Becky Plowman had the pleasure of cutting the ribbon to open the visitor season to this unique attraction. The Primary 4 pupils did a walking tour around Wick taking photographs as they went. The plan is to send pupils in Canada and India details of some of the main buildings in Wick.

Primary 6 pupil Lauren Sinclair won a DVD player in a competition organised by the local nuclear related company ALSTEC. This company had recently visited the school with Oscar the robot. Lauren entered the subsequent competition and her design for a safety logo won first prize amongst the Hillhead entries. Representatives of Alstec visited the school to award Lauren her prize.

Hillhead pupils have all performed well in recent football and netball matches. Much now depends on the final match of the season for the football A and B teams. This year�s B team have a considerable number of Primary 5 pupils, which is a significant achievement for such young players. They are Michael Budge, Ryan Aitken, Cameron Duffy, Richard Budge, Mark McDougall and Reece Boyce. A special word should also go to Primary 5 pupil Andrew Dunnet who has turned our very good performances for the Hillhead A team. The Primary 5 class promise to provide a strong team for Hillhead over the next two years.

Classroom assistant Mrs Karen Gunn has now begun her maternity leave. Meanwhile Mr Colin Mackintosh and Mrs Tracy Morrison have temporarily replaced her. The maternity cover post has been advertised and will be interviewed for before the summer holidays. . I am pleased to report that Mrs Gunn gave birth to a little girl Keira on Monday morning of this week. (see below)

Two new pupils at school since last month�s newsletter. Primary 5 pupil Matthew Heaton has moved up from Crewe . Primary 6 pupil Johanna Drain starts on Monday 6th June. Johanna previously attended school in Cumbernauld.

Proud brother Kyle with little Keira who was born on Monday 30th May. Keira weighed in at
6lb 6oz.
A little sister for Primary 4 pupil Kyle and nursery pupil Declan.
Primary 3 pupil Deanna and Primary 1 pupil Ryan are delighted at the birth of their baby sister Ashleigh. She arrived on May 16th weighing in at 6lb 13oz. Deanna thinks she is a clever baby because �when she�s hungry she doesn�t cry she just throws her head on something and sucks it.�

Monday 6th June � Friday 10th June: Music Festival Week
Monday 6th June Report cards will be given out
Football and netball against South School at Hillhead.
Saturday 11th June 2pm Hilllhead 5 a side football competition at school involving Hillhead house teams and small country schools.
Tuesday 14th June 7.00pm Parent evening for new Primary 1 pupils in session 2005-2006.
Parents Evenings Wednesday 15th June 6.00pm � 9.00pm Thursday 16th June 3.30 �6.00pm (parents will be able to opt in to the date which best suits them)
Friday 17th June Nursery pupils to Primary 1 for morning 10.00 � 12noon. (Details will follow)
Monday 20th June 1.40pm Senior Sports (Primary 4 to 7) (in the event of rain this event will take place the following day)
Wednesday 22nd June 1.40pm Infant Sports
Friday July 1st School closes at midday

Yours faithfully

A Budge