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Hillhead Newsletter Index

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Hillhead Primary School - Newsletter

At Hillhead we aim to make our children successful learners. Our pupils will value themselves
 as individuals and strive to achieve their full potential. We will provide them with a variety of
 stimulating learning experiences in a caring environment.


Dear Parent,

Preparations go ahead for the Indian lunch to be held next Tuesday. The main purpose of the lunch is to help raise funds for Tamil Nadu region of India. The dining hall has been decorated with Indian flags, garlands and balloons. Primary 7 pupils have also taken part in an exchange of posters with some pupils in the Indian city of Ahmedabad. These posters will also be displayed for the lunch (if they arrive here in time).
Pupils can pay 50p to have their handprint placed on a large Indian flag in the dining room. They can also wear traditional Indian costume for the lunch, if they wish.

The mosaic tile artist Jan Kilpatrick has now finished working with the pupils in primary 6 and 7. Her large wall mosaics are now finished and have already been erected in the �square� area of the school. They make a very interesting addition to this area. The small wall which marks the entrance to this area has no coping stone on it.

One of the next jobs to be done to improve and renovate this area, is to create a new coping stone. Lybster based artist David Mackay has been asked to create Caithness flagstone pieces to be set on the top of these walls. The flagstone pieces are to show the handprints of children from Hillhead as well as from school in China and Brazil. The children from Hillhead whose handprint will be sand blasted on to the flagstone were drawn from a list of class names at the whole school assembly on ?? January. They are:
Nursery: Bryony Munro and Abbie Thomson
Primary 1 Megan Coghill, Primary 2 Ailish McNeill Primary 3 David Meiklejohn, Primary 4 Deanna Paul, Primary 5 Stephan Colquhoun, Primary 6 Vicky Rosie, Primary 7 Chloe Graham.
Staff Member Miss Oag in the nursery.

The traditional Primary 4/5 Burns afternoon once again proved to be a very successful event. Special thanks to Eric Farquhar who addressed the haggis for the pupils, Kevin Gunn who piped in the haggis and the many parents who assisted in providing food, drinks and assisting with dancing outfits etc. The afternoon was heartily enjoyed by the Primary 4 and 5 pupils as well as the afternoon nursery children.

The primary 1 enrolments took place last week and a total of 27 pupils have been enrolled for Primary 1 next session. Nursery enrolment will take place in the week beginning March 20th.

The MSP Jamie Stone visited the school on the afternoon of Friday 27th January :Mr Stone enjoyed his visit to each of the classrooms and you may have seen his picture in the local press as he added his handprint to the Indian flag in the school dining room. He was also most favourably impressed with the Primary 4/5 Burns afternoon.

our Hillhead pupils took part in the Scottish Schools Swimming Championship held in Glasgow on January 28th. The four girls all put in a tremendous performace against the very best swimmers in the country. In back stroke, Rona Plowman came 4th, in freestyle Rachel Munro was 7th and Lauren Sinclair achieved a personal best time in the breast stroke event. The three girls, joined by Erin Mackay in the relay team, came in a very impressive 6th place.

Last month�s newsletter ran a short article about Primary 5 pupil Craig Muir and his rubber collection. I also asked if there were any other collections at home which the owners would like to tell their class and school about. The picture shows Primary 5 pupil Kyle Gunn with his mega elastic band ball. Kyle says that it contains 1357 elastic bands. His unusual collection began when he started his ball with some elastic bands which had been dropped by his postie. We�d still be happy to hear about any other pupil collections.

Kyle Gunn with His Rubber Band Ball

Parents are reminded about the need to be vigilant for head lice. It is only through careful checking of hair and prompt treatment that this problem can be completely eradicated in the school. The school nurse is always available to offer parents any advice about this problem.

The after school clubs are now in full swing with a club of some sort taking place every evening. Much thanks is due to the staff who organise these clubs. I know of no school in Highland Council which operates so many after-school clubs.
One small difficulty we have had with these clubs is a large number of pupils who wish to phone their parents at the end of the day to tell them that they are going to go to a club. Children who have not told their parents that they are going to a club after school will now have to miss that club. This should hopefully give pupils a greater responsibility for organising their after school activities.

The Bring and Buy sale at Hillhead raised some �384.28 for the Primary 7 trip to York. Some super pictures of the event are available on www.caithness.org. Many thanks to all those who contributed or bought items. Hopefully any cupboards you cleared out for the sale, were not filled again with otems your child took home from it!

At the Bring and Buy Sale, a small clock set in a crystal housing which had the name �Celtic� on it was sold. If your child has taken such an item home from school, could you please get in touch with the School Office immediately.

The Caithness Music Festival will take place in the week commencing June 5th . The poems for the verse speaking are now available. Should your child be interested in entering the verse speaking, a copy of the poem can be obtained from the school office.. Entries for the verse speaking cost �1.50 per child. All those who wish to enter must do so by March 1st 2006.

The February edition of our Parent tips sheet will accompany this newsletter. I hope you will find some of these ideas useful.

Finally a free gift for you all which would grace any kitchen. The accompanying fridge magnet is hopefully a handy memo which you can place on your fridge door. It gives details of the ways in which you can discover if the school is closed due to bad weather. You will be familiar with the telephone line and Moray Firth broadcasts. In addition details of a new website are also given which you can access to see the current schools closed in the area. To date the weather has been remarkably mild but school closures for snow have in the past, tended to take place in February and March. So do keep that fridge magnet handy.

Please find an accompanying sheet which details some important changes in Scottish legislation regarding additional support for learning.

School will be closed to pupils on Thursday 9th (in service day), Friday 10th and Monday 13th February.
The school will close for the Easter holidays at the normal time on Friday 31st March. It will re-open for pupils on Wednesday 19th April.

Yours faithfully,

A Budge