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Hillhead Primary School - Main Index

  Schools & Education

Hillhead Primary School
Macleod Road, Wick, KW1 4 PE
Earlier Items 2002 - 2005

19 December 05
Christmas Lunch At Hillhead

15 November 05
Mr Budge Visits A School In China
I was recently very lucky to be part of a team of Scottisdh headteachers who visited schools in the city of Tianjin in China. (October 24th -31st) It is a huge city - some 10 million people. This was a trip organised by the British Council and a group pf five headteachers went from throughout Scotland. Wondered if these few pictures would be of any interest to the web site. I'll send six picture in three lots. One of the purposes of the trip was to make contact with a Chinese school and build up a link with them through the exchange of work and ideas. Chinese education is now much more inclined to actively engage the pupils. Many class activities involved the pupils performing actions. With so many only children - group work is also increasingly seen as desirable.
Pupils are encourage to take in personal information about themselves such as photographs to decorate the classroom walls. English was taught to 7 and 8 year olds.
This young girl is waiting to read out her telephone number in English Classes were typically organised in rows of desks like this one. The red neckerchiefs denotes that the child is a Young Pioneer - a member of the junior Communist Party. This is a goal for all primary school children and was thought to equip them to be good citizens.

14 June 05

Hillhead Primary School have returned to the traditional, oranges at full time for football and netball players in the local inter school matches. A traditional snack in the past they appear to have been overlookied in more recent years. However their return has been welcomed by pupils. They have gone down extremely well with the players from all teams. The pictures show football players Stephen Crawford, Richard Budge, Daniel budge and William Loughlin enjoying an after match orange. It looks like oranges are here to stay.

1 June 05
School Trip To York
Pupils from Hillhead's Primary 7 enjoyed a week long visit to York in May.  The party of 22 pupils accompanied by Mr Henderson, Mr Budge and Mrs Harper travelled to the ancient city by bus. Throughout the week they made a variety of educational and fun visits to attractions in the area. These included The York Minster Cathedral, the Jorvik Centre, the cinema, York Dungeon, a York Ghost Walk, The Deep Aquarium in Hull and a day at the Flamingo theme park. All concerned had a fantastic trip.

12 May 05
Hillhead School, Wick - Spring Fair

25 April 05
Collaborators Theatre Company
Last week Hillhead saw a visit by the Collaborators Theatre Company and their "Shadowland Production". Their show consisted of two short plays; Icarus was told entirely using very imaginative shadow techniques. The second show The Snow Queen made more use of conventional puppets. as well as visiting Hillhead, the company also visited Keiss and played at Lyth Arts centre. Pupils at Hillhead had a great time making shadow puppets from throw away items such as cereal boxes. The primary 5 class had an opportunity to create the puppets for a version of Little Red Riding hood.

International Card Exchange
Hillhead set up a new year card exchange with six other schools from all over the world. Schools from Italy, Rumania, India, Brazil, Singapore, Norway and of course Wick all exchanged cards with all the others.  Displays of the cards received were set up in the school for everyone to see.

12 March 05
Peruvian Entertainer Edwardo Sanchez
Two Wick schools enjoyed a visit by a Peruvian entertainer this week.  Eduardo Sanchez, who performs under his name "Eduardo" entertained  pupils at Wick Hillhead School and South School with a performance which included mime, agility contortions, balloon model making and juggling.  The pictures show Eduardo and pupils at Hillhead.

24 February 05
Hillhead School, Wick Celebrates Chinese Style For Year Of The Rooster

Hillhead school has been studying China and when they tackle a subject they go all out.  Today their work reached food and Chinese meals were on offer replacing the usual school dinners.  Luckily the school has had help from a local Chinese resident Mrs Lai who advised on the food which the school chef and staff prepared and served.  the atmosphere was lively with Chinese music playing as part of a film played over the recently acquired large flat screen computer monitor hung in the dining area.  Chop stick, straw hats and place mats with the children's names in Chinese characters all helped.  Mrs Lai had kindly spend most of yesterday going round all the classes in the school to help the children get their names written in Chinese for the place mats.   It all looked wonderfully tasty and superb aroma lent to the atmosphere.  More pictures coming shortly............

Hey kids - Want to see more Chinese New Year stuff then Click Here
The Rooster is the 10th animal in the 12 year cycle of the Chinese calendar.

7 February 05
Burns Afternoon For Primary 4 & 5

Hillhead Newscasts On The Web Via TV.Caithness.Org
Christmas 2005              January 2006

Home From Hillhead - School Reading Initiative
Hillhead Primary School recently obtained almost �700 of funding from the Scottish Executive to purchase books for the nursery to support parents reading to their child at home. This scheme entitled "Home from Hillhead" will see parents receive a total of 9 books, one per week, over the next nine weeks to read to their child. Ratings for each book will be taken and a top-ten chart will be drawn up. It is also intended to publish a newsletter every two to three weeks informing the nursery parents about the books and attitudes to them so far.

Home From Hill Head March 2005 Newsletter

6 February 05
Nursery Groups Get Book Bags

26 January 05
Pupils at Hilhead Primary School, Wick have been signing up to help raise funds for Tsunami survivors. A huge wall map of South Asia has been hung up in the school hall. It has been drawn up in to more than 1000 squares and pupils and staff pay 20p to write their name or something else in the square. As well as their own names, nick names, the names of pets and football teams have all been popular choices with the pupils. With a thousand squares, there are plenty to go round. Anyone wishing to sponsor a few squares at 20p per square can do so by contacting the school on 01955 603233.

Hillhead School Fishing Heritage Project

14 July 04
End Of Term Awards 2004

2 July 04
Hillhead Football Team Winners Of Wick and County Championships
This years winners of the Wick Primary Schools Football Trophy (Presented by Sir K.L. Harrmswoth. Bart. M.P.) was Hillhead Primary School. Currently Hillhead Primary School, Pulteneytown Academy, Wick North School, Wick South School and Lybster Primary School play for this trophy that was first presented in 1922.  On Friday June 25th Hillhead continued their unbeaten run by defeating Pennyland Primary School to become County Champions.
In The  Photo   - Hillhead Primimary School's Town and County championship team.  Back row: Mark Aitken, Ciaran Duffy, Peter Bacon Front row: Craig Manson, Gavin Sinclair, Martin Banks, Alan McGee, Derek Rosie   Coach for the team was Hymie Sutherland

28 June 04
Second Year Of King Prawn Chess Competition In Wick
The second annual King Prawn Chess Tournament was held at Hillhead Primary School Wick on Monday June 21st, 2004.    Hillhead runs a chess club for Primaries 4,5,6 and 7, while South School's chess club is for Primary 6 and 7. Both school's chess clubs participate in the British Land UK Chess Challenge that gives pupils the ability to earn points and prizes and compare their result schools play against each other in an intense but friendly competition.  Both teams played very well with South School prevailing and taking the King Prawn trophy home for another year.

18 April 04
Saving the Flow Country With Picture Sales
Hillhead Primary School's Primary 7 class and their teacher Mr Henderson are seen here presenting James Plowman from RSPB Forsinard a 360' picture of Forsinard and a cheque for �150.00 to help preserve the Flow Country of Caithness and Sutherland. Hillhead P7's created 360' pictures of areas around Caithness for the Caithness Heritage Fair, which were donated to public locations around Wick. Other pictures were produced and sold to the public throughout December as part of their School's Enterprise Project.Primary 7 had studied the Peatlands and decided to donate 25% of their profits or �150.00 from their Enterprise Project to RSPB Forsinard to help preserve this unique eco-system, which is home to rare plants and animals.  When matched by European Union funding the donation doubles to �300.00 which is enough money to clear conifers from an acre of once healthy peatland, and buy 2520 square yards of intrusive conifer plantations.

2 October 03
Song Of Wick

26 May 03
King Prawn Chess Tournament
The chess tournament was played against South School.


Author Visits Hillhead
Julia Donaldson the award winning author of The Gruffalo and Room on the Broom visited Hillhead Primary School on Friday March 21st and Monday March 24th 2003.   Julia Donaldson was joined by her husband as they entertained the all the pupils and teachers from Nursery to Primary 7 with songs and stories from her books.  The staff and pupils had the opportunity to participate in acting our her stories which they enjoyed very much.

Faces Of A School 
Exhibition Pictures Now In
St Fergus Gallery, Sinclair Terrace, Wick.
March 21st � April 11th 2003

Hillhead School Exhibition of Tiles By Children working with Potter Jenny McKenzie Ross of Northshore Pottery.  An exhibition of pottery work carried out by pupils at Hillhead Primary School with the potter Jenny Mackenzie Ross. A self-portrait on a clay tile, completed by each of the pupils is a central feature of the display.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 1.30 � 6.00pm
Wednesday 10.00 � 12.30
Friday 1.30 �8.00pm Saturday 10.30 � 1.00pm

6 March 2003
Art At Hillhead Gets That Professional Touch

Every pupil in the school is involved in making art for an exhibition to be on show at the St Fergus gallery from 21 March to 19 April.  Jenny McKenzie Ross a potter from Northshore Pottery at Forse has been helping all of the pupils in every class  - about 200 children to make items for the show.  Everyone has made face on a tile painted it and had is glazed and fired.  In addition each class is involved in separate projects and all the pupils have contributed many pieces of work now showing on the classroom walls.  for the art side they have made many small pieces.  On class has been studying the Vikings and has created a small clay viking also painted and glazed to surround a large centrepiece in the exhibition.  Other classes have projects of their own and all will come together for the exhibition.  We will be adding more pictures of the work when it reaches the exhibition.

Halloween 2002

Forsinard Trip  
See More of Forsinard

New Primary One 2002

African Music Day

Red Nose Fund Raising Day 16 March 2001

Family Fun Day June 2001

Caithness Music Festival 2002