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  School Calendar

Caithness Early Years Autism Centre
C/o Pulteneytown Academy
Seaforth Avenue, Wick, KW1 5ND   Map
Pauline Johnstone - Principal Teacher
Telephone: 01955 609424

CEYAC (Caithness Early Years Autism Centre) has a role to facilitate wherever possible the inclusion of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) into their local schools. To reflect this inclusion and outreach role there are two f/t  teachers.  'CEYAC has 21 primary aged pupils) The pupils at CEYAC can be between 3 and 12 years old.

CEYAC aims to be

� a specialist centre for educating and supporting pre-school and primary aged pupils with autism and their families

� helping children with autism to be included and educated in their local mainstream primary school

providing specialist outreach support when requested to schools in Caithness where pupils with autism are on the school roll.

CEYAC achieves this through

� educating children with autism in an educational environment structured to meet
  their particular needs

� when appropriate providing for and supporting individualised split educational
  placements for children with autism

supporting children with autism who are educated entirely in their local school

CEYAC currently has seven primary and pre-school pupils who come to the centre for a significant part or the whole of their school week. Most of these children also attend their local primary school for varying amounts of time taking part in the particular parts of the school curriculum which are most suitable for them as individuals. They are supported by CEYAC or local school staff. CEYAC staff also provide an outreach service to support about twice that number of pupils who are in their local schools.

The SPELL approach is used in CEYAC to enable the pupils to access the 5-14 curriculum in a way which they find comfortable.

� Structure

� Positive (approaches & expectations)

� Empathy

� Low Arousal


Partnership in CEYAC�s work is fundamental to the successful inclusion of pupils into their local primary schools. We aim to foster a sense of partnership between:

CEYAC staff



   transport staff, cleaner, janitor, kitchen staff

with others in education

with other professionals (such as those in health and social work)

with children�s extended families

with the child with autism