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Castletown & District Community Council
Minutes of Meeting - 13 December 2001

Castletown and District Community Council

Castletown and District Community Council

Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 13th December 2001
in Castletown Drill Hall at 7.30pm


J.Crowden, A.Macdonald (HC Councillor), M.Cormack, W.Stark, G.Firth, G.Calder (Press), G.Ewing (Northern Constabulary), E.Geddes, A.Hill, David Balfour Royal Bank of Scotland, Catherine Browning Royal Bank of Scotland

Also present were approximately 20 members of the public to hear from the Royal Bank of Scotland Personnel.


I.Calder, I.Moodie (Village Officer), W.Swanson, A Swanson


The last minutes of the 15th Nov were read and agreed as a true record.

Mins 15th Nov.

Item 2 Doggie Bins - A.M. was still chasing up the doggie bins.

A.M. had reported the wall at the Free Church post box crumbling and the post office were looking to follow this up.

Action A.M.

G.F. and I.M. still monitoring the condition of the putting green fence but it is getting past patching. Everyone still thinks it better to have some form of fence rather than none at all.

Action G.F., I.M.

G.F. had been unavailable to attend the last meeting of the footpath group, but will be kept informed of proceedings.

Action G.F.


Village Officer Update

G.F. reported coping stones are being knocked the wall at the school again, it seems the children are using them to build ramps for their BMX bikes.

The No Parking sign at the sand end had been erected - Thanks to Highland Council.

Action J.C., A.M.. M.C.

J.C. had still not heard any more about the bathing water results for Dunnet and Castlehill but the enquiry had been passed to the Thurso office of SEPA for handling.

Action J.C


3/ Village Banking

After the last meting we had invited the Royal Bank of Scotland along to this meeting and present was David Balfour Business Manager in Thurso and Catherine Browning Area Manager for personnel/personal based in Inverness. They had come not sell their wares but to give some reassurance and guarantees about the Royal Banks position on the Castletown Branch. The Royal Bank have had a no branch closure policy for several years and at present have no plans to change that policy. They are committed to Castletown and giving the customers what they want. At present the banks opening hours are Mon - Wed - Fri 10.30 to 2pm. At present the demand is not such that it fills the hours completely. They have a branch in Lybster, which is full time but covers a large area with Wick and Helmsdale being the next banks in the area. Asked if they would consider changing the hours they stated that if business was created to justify it they would extend or change the hours. Asked if they would consider late opening they said that if demand was present they might try it but at present no one was asking for the service. Asked if a cash point machine could be installed it would depend on the cost efficiency of the operation. They are committed to keeping customers coming in through the door and a cash point may reduce the customer numbers. Asked about the ease of changing accounts between banks they stated that the Royal Bank would handle all the changes of payments etc and once the new accounts have been set up the change would be completed. The customer would only have to ask to get everything set up and the bank would organise it all in between 7 - 14 days. They also stated that they planned to hold an open day in Jan 2002 to highlight the services available and allow people the chance to meet and ask questions about the bank and its services. Being no further questions for them we thanked them for their presence and they left the meeting.

4/ Proposed Sports Area

Present at the meeting were Kenneth Stone and William Reid who were interested in trying to get the basketball area as talked about last meeting set up. Information on what was available for a sports equipment company was passed around and possible sizes and costs were discussed. It was agreed that something like a half court was what was wanted and that it would be in the price range of �7,500 to �9,000 plus the cost of the playing surface. It was agreed that Messrs Stone and Reid would gauge support in their own age group, G.E. would canvas local opinion about possibly siting the area at Mackay Street, A.M. would explore possible funding options and also invite Tina Robinson Highland Council Sports Officer to the Jan 2002 Meeting.

Action A.M.,G.E, K.S,W.R

5/ Queens Golden Jubilee

Information had been received wondering if Castletown was doing any thing to celebrate the Queens Golden Jubilee in June 2002. It was agreed that a public should be held on Jan 10th 2002 at 7.30pm to allow ideas to be gathered from all in the village. JC would print notices

Action J.C.

6/ Correspondence

Letters received were discussed with nothing of note. A letter had been sent to J.Stone about pushing for money for improvements to the A9 at the Ord of Caithness.

Being no further business the date of the next meeting was set for Thursday 24th Jan 2002 at 7.30pm in the Castletown Drill Hall.

Being no further business the meeting closed at 21.25hrs