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Community Councils

Castletown & District Community Council
Minutes of Meeting - 15 November 2001

Castletown and District Community Council

Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 15th November 2001
in Castletown Drill Hall at 7.30pm


J.Crowden, A.Macdonald (HC Councillor), M.Cormack, W.Stark, G.Firth, I.Moodie (Village Officer), G.Ewing (Northern Constabulary), W.Swanson, A Swanson, E.Geddes, A.Hill


 I.Calder, G.Calder (Press)


The last minutes of the 25th Oct were read and agreed as a true record.

Mins 25th Oct.  

Item 2 Doggie Bins � A.M. was still chasing up the doggie bins.

A.M. had reported the wall at the Free Church post box crumbling and the post office were looking to follow this up.

Action A.M.

G.F. and I.M. still monitoring the condition of the putting green fence but it is getting past patching. Everyone still thinks it better to have some form of fence rather than none at all.

Action G.F., I.M.

G.F. was waiting the next meeting of the footpath group

Action G.F.

 Closure of the Castletown Branch of the Clydesdale Bank.  Final arrangements were made for the public meeting with the bank on Monday 19th November 2001.It was agreed tea and biscuits would be provided for the pre-meeting with bank officals. It was agreed to raise the possibility of an ATM machine. It was hoped that the customers and public would turn out to show their displeasure at the banks decision to close the branch.                        

Action ALL.


Village Officer Update

G.F. reported coping stones are being knocked the wall at the school again. M.C. had got the insurance cover extended to cover the winter period. A.M. was still progressing the missing No Parking sign at the sand end.

Action J.C., A.M.. M.C.

 J.C. had still not heard any more about the bathing water results for Dunnet and Castlehill

Action J.C

 Street lighting on Battery Road. The results were in and 1 wanted full street lights and 6 wanted no change. It was agreed not to pursue the matter.

 The AGM had proceeded well with thanks given to the suppliers of the refreshments (G.F., M.C.)

 3/ Health Forum

A public meeting had been called for the same night as the meeting and as we were all at the AGM and meeting a letter of support had been sent expressing our support for the forum and asking to be kept in touch with the proceedings

4/ Weydale Sub Post Office

A call had been received from Mr Kenny Lamont of the post office in Inverness. He explained the problem they have that the sub post master/mistress was retiring from the Weydale post office at the end of November and they had not been able to identify a suitable replacement. They had tried advertising locally, publicity in the press and on radio and he had even come up a couple of weeks before and done a letter drop of the area stating that unless someone was identified shortly the post office would have to close. He asked for our assistance in helping to identify a suitable person and stated that the post office would provide all the equipment and train the person. It was agreed that we would try to encourage the locals to think about someone to take over the position.

Action ALL.

 5/ Basketball/Sport Area

A.M. stated that he had been approached to see if a basketball area could be set up in the village. Things were at an early stage but he stated that he had some equipment catalogues he would pass over to let us see what was available. J.C. had some vouchers for another company and he would approach them to see what they had to offer

Action J.C. A.M.

6/ Civic Awards

An invitation had been received by the community council to attend the Civic Awards presentation. J.C. was not available and a volunteer was sought. G.F. offered to attend to represent the community council. J.C. would check it was OK and pass over the invite.

Action J.C

Being no further business the date of the next meeting was set for Thursday 13th Dec 2001 at 7.30pm in the Castletown Drill Hall.


 Being no further business the meeting closed at 21.40hrs