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Community Councils

Castletown & District Community Council
Annual General Meeting 15 November 2001

Castletown and District Community Council

Castletown and District Community Council

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 15th November 2001 in Castletown Drill Hall at 7.30pm


A.Swanson, W.Swanson, W.Stark , J.Crowden, A.Hill, G.Firth (Castletown Football Club), M.Cormack, E.Geddes, I.Moodie (Village Officer), W.Swanson, G.Ewing (Northern Constabulary)


I.Calder (Old Time Dancing), A.Macdonald (HC Councillor), G.Calder (Press)

 1Minutes of the Last Meeting

Since this time last year we were in elections we elected our committee on March 6th 2001. The minutes of the election were read and agreed by all.

2/ Chairman�s Report

The chairman reported the main activities the community council had been involved with in the last year. The major thing was the hiring of a village officer for the summer period and the success that had been. Other notable successes were our support to assist Lewis Calder-Macphee�s success in the Scottish Youth American Football Team where he played for the Scottish team and won against England. Our support for the maternity services review. Our success in obtaining and erecting footpath signs at the harbour area. Our pressure for and finally a visit to the new sewage treatment facilities at Castletown. Our lobbying for improved bus services for Castletown after a change to the service provision. A talk we had on Dounreay site restoration and the challenges they face. Our fight to get the local plan amended to represent the people�s views. Our getting started a housing needs survey for the Castletown area to help identify the housing types to be included in the proposed eastern extension to Castletown. Also the large number of consultations that we took part in during the year from waste to railways.

 3/ Treasurers Report

The treasurer�s report was passed around and explained. We have a surplus of �1289.31 at present but most of that money has been earmarked for the village officer, replacement of the village photocopier and to help purchase another mower if the old one is beyond economical repair.

Acceptance of the report was proposed by W.Swanson, Seconded by W.Stark


George Ewing took the chair for the election of the chairman

Nominated John Crowden

Proposed W.Swanson            Seconded W.Stark         No Further nominations were received

 Vice Chairman

Nominated William Swanson

Proposed J.Crowden            Seconded G.Firth            No further nominations were received


Nominated Maureen Cormack

Proposed W.Swanson            Seconded W.Stark             No further nominations were received

 Due to difficulties in recruiting a Secretary it was agreed to make to post of secretary.

Minute Secretary

Nominated E.Geddes

Proposed M.Cormack            Seconded A.Swanson            No further nominations were received

Correspondance Secretary

Nominated J.Crowden

Proposed W.Stark            Seconded A.Hill            No further nominations were received

Being no business for AOCB the AGM closed at 20.15hrs and the November meeting of the community council began.