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                 Arts Index

Applied Arts Scotland Exchange Event
Friday 26 November 2004 At
Lyth Arts Centre & Northlands Creative Glass

An invitation for Applied Artists to meet other makers for an interesting day of discussion on collaborative working practice. Exchange ideas, develop contacts and share experience.

Anna King is a fibre artist who works in paper, tapestry and basketry. She is the former chair of the Basketmakers Circle and a member of design-ED, an Edinburgh based collective of designer/makers. Anna will discuss her extensive experience of collective working, as well as her recent experiences in Japan and India.

Carol Sinclair is a ceramic tile designer and a director of Applied Arts Scotland. She will introduce a variety of national initiatives which support and promote Scottish craft and makers from all parts of the country. There will also be an opportunity to discuss initiatives and support offered by local agencies.

Lorna MacMillian, Iain Gunn and Dan Klein will discuss the work of North Lands Creative Glass, with particular emphasis on their approach to collaborative working practice. There will also be an opportunity to meet the four artists currently in residence, Hannah Ross, Sarah Chrisp, Rachael Cheung and Yoshiko Okada.

Arrive/register @ Lyth Arts Centre 10.30am
Speakers 11.00am Question time 11.45am
Lunch 12.30pm Travel to Lybster 1.30pm
Introduction to North Lands 2.00pm

The day is free to attend and is sponsored by Applied Arts Scotland, Hi-Arts, Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise and Scottish Arts Council.  Places are limited, so please let Applied Arts Scotland know if you would like to attend.  Please also advise them if you will need transport from Lyth to Lybster.

Contact To Book A Place
Applied Arts Scotland
ECA School of Design and Applied Arts
Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF
Tel: 0131 221 6143
e-mail: [email protected]