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Arts Funding

The Highland Council has, last Thursday, agreed a new scheme to put additional funding towards local promotions, arts events and festivals for the period March 2005 to February 2006

Applications are expected to be in by November 1st 2004

Application forms will be similar to the existing grant form

but they will carry the Millennium Commission Lottery logo They will be available later this week.

Adrian Clark
Arts Officer (Inverness Area)
Community Learning and Leisure
Education, Culture & Sport
The Highland Council
Town House
Inverness IV1 1JJ
01463 724261
[email protected]


2007 will be a year of celebration of Highland culture. The year will be marked by a number of major events across Highland and Scotland, some international events and, most importantly, events within Highland communities. Special funding has been obtained from the Millennium Commission to help Highland based groups increase the number and quality of community arts and cultural events in the period leading up to Highland 2007.

A Community Events' Fund of £ 80, 000 will be available during 2005/6 with the aim of increasing the confidence and capacity of communities to participate fully in Highland 2007 by:-

  • Enhancing existing provision - potentially doubling the funding available for established local festivals and arts promoters
  • Encouraging the development of new events and activities - providing three new seed corn grants
  • The Fund is available for one year only and for activities and events taking place in Highland between 1st March 2005 and 28th February 2006. All projects must be completed and awards claimed by February 2006.
  • The deadline date for applications is 1st November 2004 and applicants will
    be advised of the outcome in February 2005.

Grants will be available for properly constituted voluntary or charitable groups which operate on a non-profit making basis. Local arts promoters, village halls, community radio, music, sport, heritage and environmental organisations or other eligible groups will be able to apply for projects which celebrate and contribute to Highland cultural life. The types of activities which could be supported include programmes of local arts activities; community festivals; exhibitions and a wide range of cultural events or projects.

The following grants are available from the Community Events' Fund 2005/6.

Existing Highland based arts promoters are eligible to apply to double their current Highland Council grant in 2005/6. A maximum grant of £3000 will be available this year towards the cost of organising an enhanced annual programme of professional performances/exhibitions by visiting groups/artists.

In addition to completing the application form, organisations need to supply income and expenditure estimates for the whole programme and the information below for each event within the programme:-
· Name of performer
· When and where will the event will take place
· Proposed admission charges
· Seating capacity of the venue
· Estimated income (e.g. ticket sales, sponsorship etc.)
· Estimated expenditure (e.g. professional fees and expenses etc.)
Programmes will be judged in terms of their cultural content and value for money.

The maximum level of grant will be £3000 for the programme of events or 60% of eligible costs. Up to half the amount awarded can be paid in advance to help with programme costs. The remainder of the award will be a "guarantee against loss" and final payment will be adjusted if necessary. The final payments will be made on receipt of audited accounts and a short programme report. All claims must be made by 28th February 2006.

Groups organising existing community festivals in Highland will be eligible to apply to double their current Highland Council grant during 2005/6. Maximum grants of £2000 or 60% eligible project will be available for this year to allow festival organisers to expand and improve the quality of existing festivals. Individual groups taking part in the festival are not eligible to apply.

Applications will be assessed in terms of the festival's cultural content and value for money specifically:

  • · the potential which exists to make the event self-financing in terms of sponsorship, advertising, marketing, anticipated income from sales or admission charges
    · other funding which has been secured or applied for (e.g. from local enterprise company, HOST, National Lottery)
    · the applicant's attempts to make the festival/event pay for itself

Up to half of the award can be paid in advance to help with organising costs. The remainder of the award will be a "guarantee against loss" and final payments will be adjusted if necessary. Final payments will be made on receipt of audited accounts and a short report. All claims must be made by 28th February 2006.

New Highland based arts promoters are eligible to apply for small grants during 2005/6 to help with the cost of organising a new programme of professional performances/exhibitions by visiting groups/artists. The maximum level of grant is £500 for the programme of events or 75% of eligible costs Applicants need to complete an application form together with income and expenditure estimates for the whole programme and the following information for each event within the programme:-
· Name of performer
· When and where will the event will take place
· Proposed admission charges
· Seating capacity of the venue
· Estimated income (e.g. ticket sales, sponsorship etc.)
· Estimated expenditure (e.g. professional fees and expenses etc.)

Programmes will be judged in terms of their cultural content and value for money.
Half the amount awarded can be paid in advance to help with programme costs. The remainder of the award will be a "guarantee against loss" and the remaining payment will be adjusted if necessary. The final payments will be made on receipt of audited accounts and a short programme report. All claims must be made by 28th February 2006.

Groups wishing to start new community festivals in Highland will be eligible to apply for seed corn funding of £500 or 75% of eligible project costs during 2005/6. Applications will be assessed in terms of the festival's cultural content and value for money.

Up to half of the award can be paid in advance to help with initial costs. The remainder of the award will be a "guarantee against loss" and final payments will be adjusted if necessary. Final payments will be made on receipt of audited accounts and a short report. Claims should be made within three months of the festival taking place but no later than 28th February 2006.

· Deadline date for applications - 1st November 2004
· Applications prioritised by Area Committees - January 2005
· Awards approved by the Portfolio Holders Group - February 2005.

The funding has been made available to promote activities within Highland communities.
· There is no funding available for equipment, uniforms or capital items
· Retrospective grants will not be awarded
· Applicants will be expected to publicise or acknowledge the grant and use Gaelic where appropriate
· Applicant organisations planning activities which involve children and young people must have
  appropriate child protection policies in place.