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Caithness Christmas 2006Merry Christmas

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Whats On

As in previous years we will list Christmas items and pictures on these pages.  so get your events in the What's On and send in pictures yourself

Send in Christmas Photos to [email protected]
You can send in photos of anything related to Christmas - parties, santa days, outings, visits, Christmas Lights, Your Christmas Tree - anything you think would be nice to share in the run up to or after Christmas.

Photos From Thurso's New Year Street Party

Christmas Carols
With the Caithness Orchestra And The Choral Society

Christmas Poster Competition Fro Primary Schools
During the last week UKAEA Dounreay has been hosting a series of Seasonal Safety Roadshow's for staff on the site. As part of the road show, UKAEA invited all local primary school children to participate in a Christmas poster competition to draw a picture of hazards to watch out for at Christmas. The winners from two categories; primary 1 to 3 and primary 4 to 7 were chosen during the roadshow. Pictured here are the winners receiving their prizes from Elaine Cameron and Jacqueline Budge from Dounreay's Assurance Team.

Christmas Poster Competition Fro Primary Schools

During the last week UKAEA Dounreay has been hosting a series of Seasonal Safety Roadshow's for staff on the site. As part of the road show, UKAEA invited all local primary school children to participate in a Christmas poster competition to draw a picture of hazards to watch out for at Christmas. The winners from two categories; primary 1 to 3 and primary 4 to 7 were chosen during the roadshow. Pictured here are the winners receiving their prizes from Elaine Cameron and Jacqueline Budge from Dounreay's Assurance Team.

Wick High Prom

Pulteneytown Parents and Toddlers Group Christmas Party

Off To Thurso High Third and Fourth Year Christmas Dance
Here are a few of the girls in their stunning dresses of to the Thurso High third and fourth year Christmas dance tonight.  This is the first year that Thurso High has run a formal dance for third and fourth years and joins the popular fifth/sixth year dance at the end of the year.  If anyone else would like to add photos from Thurso to this gallery email them to [email protected] and we will try to get tham up as soon as we can.

Pre-school Children's Christmas Party For Dounreay Staff
UKAEA Dounreay has again hosted their children's Christmas parties for children of UKAEA employees. Three parties were held; preschool, ages 5-8 and ages 9-12. The parties this year were held in the Ross Institute in Halkirk where great fun was had by all, with Santa Claus's visit being most favourite. With safety being top priority on the Dounreay site and all entering the site now wearing hi-viz jackets it was thought to be appropriate to pass this safety message onto the children. All children attending were given a hi-viz waistcoat courtesy of CH2MHill. Pictured here are the children and parents who attended the pre-school party.

Kids Saw Santa In His Castletown Grotto 
Children in and around Castletown saw Santa in his grotto on Saturday.  The event held at the Drill Hall raised £300.


Wick Pipe Band and Santa At Tesco

Wick Pipe Band entertained the shoppers today at Tesco In Wick.  Meanwhile Tesco had arranged for Santa to pay a visit throughout the day and was speaking to children as they walked around the store and gave them gifts of sweets and selection boxes.

Young Thurso Musician Joins Virtual Concert
A young lad From Thurso with his French Horn has sent in a piece to join in the Virtual Christmas Concert.  The web site Mr Golding's Brass Place offers FREE lessons in music theory with short tests to check progress and has some pieces to practice.  Mr Golding is regular on the Caithness.org forum and his new site is expanding.  There is still time for any young brass player to send in a small film of themselves playing their brass instrument.  All instructions are on the site.

Santa And Coffee At Bridge Street Church, Wick

Sleeping Beauty Pantomime In Thurso
Thurso Players hit the ground running last night with the first night of Sleeping Beauty - a traditional Christmas pantomime.


Santa's Grotto In Thrumster

Many Parcels Were Posted From The Seaview Nursing Home To The TA Men In Iraq
This photos taken yesterday shows just a few of the parcels made up by the staff at the Seaview Nursing home to send to the Caithness Territorial Army soldiers now serving in Iraq.  Once it was known that the Seaview staff were collecting residents and relatives joined in and son they had quite job on their hands.  Even home owners Barchester put in a £50 contribution to buy a few things.  The postmaster in Wick says there has been a steady flow of items heading for our men in Iraq and the big rush was yesterday to ensure arriving in time for Christmas. If you are reading this out in Iraq guys - "Have a nice Christmas".

Christmas Lights Switched On At Dunnet
The Christmas lights at Dunnet were switched on today and villagers held small party in the hall with games for the children and excitement with the arrival of Santa Claus.  More photos from Dunnet may be available on Sunday.

Santas Grotto - Market Square, Wick
Saturday 9 December 2.00 - 4.00pm

Thurso Christmas Lights Switch On

Christmas Fayre - Royal Hotel, Thurso - Sunday 3 December
11:00am - End Time: 3:00pm
BT Retail fundraisers are holding a Christmas Fayre Sunday 3rd December. Lots of stalls, including Camoch Jewellery, Beehouse Ceramics, Highland Hampers, Oriflame, Virgin Vie, manicures by Monica, and many more. SDM Photography will be there to do Christmas portraits (book early in day to avoid disappointment). Kids face painting, and Santa's grotto - Santa will also send a letter the following week! Refreshments available. All proceeds to RNLI Scrabster.
Location: Royal Hotel - Thurso
Price: Entry £1 adults, 50p children

Sponsored Sing  - Somerfields Thurso 5.45 - 6.45pm
1 December 2006

The Caithness and North Sutherland Children's Choir will be singing non-stop Christmas Carols for an hour. Entertainment while you shop!

Santas Grotto 9 December 06  10.00am - 1.00pm
Wick Family Centre
Wick Family Centre is celebrating it's first Christmas by opening it's warm hall for children to visit their Santa's Grotto. Each child will receive a small gift & photos made into fantastic festive cards are available on request.There's tea & home baking for Mum & Dad.

Santa's Grotto, Wick On Fun Day

Wick Christmas Fun Day - Second Batch Photos

Wick Christmas Fun Day - First Photos

New Santa's Grotto For Wick Christmas Lights Switch On
Saturday 25 November 2.00pm Onwards

Wick Christmas Lights Committee are hosting the Annual Fun Day 0n 25th November. The Christmas tree will be switch on that day after an Umbrella Parade from the Police Station to Market Square. When the parade arrives at the Square the Salvation Army Band will be there for some carol singing around the Christmas tree.  This will be followed by a presentation of prizes for the best umbrella and the Christmas Lights committee will also draw their Hamper Raffle. As from 2.00pm there will be stalls in the Square ( mulled wine, soup, sandwiches, bottle stall, toy tombola, face painting, baking and many more. A merry-go-round will also be there for the kids.  Santa will be there in a brand New Grotto this year after some hard work by the committee.

Thurso Christmas Lights Switch On
Friday 1st December 2006 6:30pm

Thurso Town Improvements Association is holding the 'Christmas Lights Switch On' on Friday the 1st December starting at 6:30pm in Sir Johns Square featuring various local choirs and the Pentland Brass Band. It's an event for all the family with special guest Santa Claus making an early appearance before his Christmas rush.

Thurso Christmas Concert
The Royal Hotel -  Friday 1st December 8.00pm

The Christmas Lights Switch On is followed on Friday 1st December by a Christmas Concert in The Royal Hotel starting at 8pm featuring various local entertainment with a Christmas theme. The concert is open to all the family and admission is £3 for adults and £1 per child.

Boxing Day 70's and 80's Disco - Thurso
Royal Hotel 26 December

On Boxing Day, Tuesday 26th December, 8:30pm onwards there is a 70s & 80s Disco in The Royal Hotel fundraising for Thurso Town Improvements Association. So if you fancy escaping the remnants of turkey and the in laws why not come along and relive your youth Admission £3. (18years and over)

Snowball Revenge And Other Games

Tracking Santa

Jazzy Jingle Bells - Diana Krall Skats It

Christmas News  Christmas Songs  Christmas Recipes

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Christmas Games
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Last Posting Dates For Christmas From The UK

Get your Christmas events in the What's On

Houses With Christmas Lights

Christmas Games
Christmas Jigsaws

Attack Of The Sprouts

Christmas Drag and Drop
Primary Games
The Elves Games Chest
Free Christmas Games
Rudolph's Rooftop Challenge
More Christmas Games
Free Christmas Games

Christmas Jokes

Christmas Jokes

Christmas Sites
North Pole

Build A Snowman
Build Rudolph
Christmas Word Search
Christmas Jigsaws
Make A Snowflake

Christmas Reading
Christmas Library

Memories Of Bobby Coghill
Three CD's of accordion, fiddle and pipe music recorded over the last 25 years. Produced by Ross Records and available in the Music shops in Wick or Thurso or from Ross Records.  £7.99 each or £20 for all three.