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Caithness Heat And Power
Questions And Answers

Here are a few common questions answered about Caithness Heat and Power.  If you have other questions the staff at CHaP will be pleased to answer them.
  • What is Combined Heat and Power?
    Combined Heat and Power (chp) is heating system that can provide electricity too.
  • Why should we change to chp?
    It will be cheaper for you to run and easy for you to control.
  • Can I decide not to take it?
    Yes you can choose not to take the system if you wish
  • How many radiators will I get?
    It depends on the size of your home.
  • Where will they go?
    A surveyor will call to show you where the pipes and radiators will go.
  • Will I have to move my kitchen cabinets or fitted wardrobes?
    Generally no, but the surveyor will advise you.
  • Won't the pipes be ugly and be liable to knocks and bumps?
    Pipework will be run in trunking to cover it up and for protection.
  • What kind of maintenance programme will be in place?
    The systems will receive all necessary maintenance to keep them operating properly.
  • Will I be left with no heating while the new heating is put in?
    There will be very little disruption to your heating.  where heating has to be off over night, temporary heaters will be provided.
  • What are the weekly running costs for houses?
    • One Bedroom Flat         �7.50
    • Two Bedroom Flat        �8.00
    • Two Bedroom House    �8.30
    • Three Bedroom House  �8.50
    • Four Bedroom House    � 9.00
    • Five Bedroom House     �9.50
  • Other Questions
    If you have other questions about Caithness Heat and Power contact staff at the offices in Wick
    01955 606122