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Caithness Partnership Index

Caithness Partnership Newsletter Index


The Caithness Partnership
August 2005

Caithness Partnership � eBulletin August 2005
Welcome to another edition of the ebulletin which a way of circulating information that has come in to the Partnership office. If you wish to include any items in the next issue please get in touch. We will try to make this service as useful to you as we can. If you have difficulty accessing any of the information off the web we can get you a paper copy. Please forward the bulletin within your organization if that would be useful.

Inside this issue:

Caithness & Sutherland Peatlands Strategy

Problem Drug Misuse in Highland

Communication, not conflict: using communication to encourage considerate shared recreational use of the outdoors

Highland Council consultation on planning framework for Dounreay Site Restoration

Funding news

Futurebuilders Scotland Investment Fund

Scottish Communities Action Research Fund

EU LIFE Programme


The Enterprise Facilitation Challenge (2 places booked for Caithness Partnership representatives)

Business in the Parliament (conference)

DTA (UK) Annual conference �Tools for Transormation�

Developing Collaboration within the Woodfuel Supply chain (seminar)

Scottish Politics Explained (conferences � 3 events)

New Directions in Social Enterprise

Future of the Scottish Tourism Industry (discussion and debate)

Regenerating Scotland � Partnerships for communities (conference)

Business Tourism (annual conference)

Making Knowledge Work � International conference on building sustainable communities through partnership

Biomass Production: Energy from Forestry & Agriculture (conference)

Caithness & Sutherland Peatlands Strategy

A new strategy for the long term management of the peatlands of Caithness
andSutherland has been developed by a host of organisations and individuals
through the LIFE Peatlands Project, to take account of the conservation,
community and economic needs of the area.  Publication of the strategy follows a public consultation carried out earlier this year to take account of the
viewsof local people, particularly farmers, crofters and land owners.
A key aim of the strategy is to provide a clear plan for the future of all
the peatlands in Caithness and Sutherland, within and outwith designated areas, by
promoting good land management and co-ordinated action. An underlying
theme isto see how the community and economic benefits of the peatlands can be
maximised, without damaging the interest of the peatlands themselves. Copies of the strategy can be downloaded from the LIFE Peatlands Project
website at www.lifepeatlandsproject.com .

Leadership & Management Programme 2005-6

The Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise Leadership & Management Programme 2005-06 will help your develop beyond your horizons to achieve exceptional results for your business.  Delivered by leading experts, the development programme covers all aspects of Leadership & Management, including Financial Management, Specialist Skills, Buying & Selling and Legislative Considerations.  Courses are delivered in a range of different ways, from short half day courses to longer programmes over several months.

For more information or to request a brochure, please contact Donna Booth on 01847 805213 or [email protected]

Problem Drug Misuse in Highland

A report for the Highland Drug and Alcohol Forum that presents the national and local estimates of problem drug misuse for the year 2003 showed there were 898 known problem drug users resident in the Highland area (0.81% of the population aged 18-54). Prevalence of drug misuse varied across the area with the East highlands having the highest prevalence (1.18% 15-54 year olds) and Caithness among the lowest (0.22%). Although drug misuse appeared to be stable in Highland the rates for Scotland were shown to be in decline. For a copy of the full report email [email protected].

Communication, not conflict: using communication to encourage considerate shared recreational use of the outdoors

Persuasive communication aims to influence the attitudes of people towards and issue and therefore influence the way they behave. This document from SNH is part of a complementary suite of material giving guidance on management of land for public access. It�s an excellent guide to improving communication and avoiding conflict ... If you think it might come in handy, copies are available from SNH by emailing [email protected]

Consultation on Highland Council planning framework for UKAEA Dounreay�s Site Restoration Plan

The Highland Council has prepared a document to translate the decommissioning and restoration proposals described in UKAEA's Dounreay Site Restoration Plan into a land use planning framework for the timely, safe and environmentally acceptable decommissioning, restoration and after use of the Dounreay site. Comments on the proposals are invited in writing by 12th September. To view the document follow this link http://www.ukaea.org.uk/dounreay/bulletin96.htm. You will also find information on the consultation for the NDA Strategy � although the consultation period is longer so no need to rush!


LIFE 2005-06

The European Commission has published the closing dates for LIFE 2005-06 applications.

LIFE-Nature projects aimed at conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora must have the applications sent to the UK authorities by 30 September 2005. This first call will allocate at least 80% of the available funding. A further call will be launched in the autumn of 2005 to support the preparation of plans for the period 2007-2013.

LIFE-Environment Demonstration projects which develop innovative and integrated techniques and methods affecting environmental and sustainable land-use plans (especially in urban and coastal areas), promote the sustainable management of ground and surface water, minimise the impact of economic activities (through clean technologies), promote the prevention, reuse, recovery, and recycling of waste, and/or reduce the environmental impact of products, must have applications in by 30 September 2005.

LIFE-Environment Preparatory projects that develop new environmental actions and/or update environmental legislation and policies, must be sent to the Commission by 30 November 2005.

LIFE Third Countries projects covering technical assistance that contributes to the environmental sector and policies in eligible third countries bordering on the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas must have applications in by 31 October 2005.

Full details of the application guidelines and processes are available from the Europa website at http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/life/funding/index.htm

Futurebuilders Scotland Investment Fund

Aimed at medium to large size social economy organisations this fund invests in organisations with a track record in delivering public services and is for established social economy organisations that already earn part of their own income by selling their services to the public, private or voluntary sector. They must not be completely dependent on grant or fundraising income and want to become more successful social businesses.

Communities Scotland investment funds will be part of an overall funding package. Where the proposal is for capital investment there is an expectation that loan finance will be part of the package and that Communities Scotland investment will make an obvious measurable difference to the way the organisation earns its own income. Closing date for applications 30th September 2005. Go to


Scottish Community Action Research Fund

A fund to support community-led research. Local groups can use the funding to carry out their own research, develop their knowledge and skills which help to improve their communities. The research conducted will provide evidence on community engagement with local level programmes and the achievement of community-identified outcomes, visions and priorities for change. An ongoing programme � no closing date currently. For more information see http://www.communitiesscotland.gov.uk/stellent/groups/public/documents/webpages/cs_006402.hcsp#TopOfPage


Monday 29th August Thistle Hotel Inverness 1.30 to 5pm.: The Enterprise Facilitation Challenge � presented by the Sirolli Institute which runs the highly successful business process called Enterprise Facilitation. This event sponsored by Scottish Executive, Scottish Enterprise, HIE and Communities Scotland and is being promoted by Allan Wilson MSP and Malcolm Chisolm MSP. Places are free and 2 places are being held provisionally for members of the Partnership so get in touch with us very quickly please if you wish to go. See the website for more details http://omnipix.co.uk/client/emm/

8th & 9th September Edinburgh. �Business in the Parliament� - Two day conference for business on growing Scotland�s economy. Includes discussion groups, ministerial question time and a debate on the Enterprise & Culture Committee�s inquiry on business growth. Individual MSPs are invited to nominate a business person from their constituency to take their place in the parliamentary chamber. Interestingly there are also 7 places available (one for each Green MSP including Highland) for social enterprises and interested social businesses should contact Mark Ballard [email protected]. More information about the conference can be found at http://www.holyrood.com/conference.asp

18th � 20th September Glasgow Thistle Hotel � Development Trusts Association Scotland Annual Conference �Tools for Transformation� � ideas, methods, materials and resources, all distilled form years of practical experience and all designed for those delivering community enterprise. For more information go to http://www.dtascot.org.uk/newsandevents.cfm

23rd September, Tomintoul. �Developing Collaboration in the Woodfuel Supply Chain� A seminar aimed at those involved or interested in bioenergy and the opportunities presented by emerging markets for wood heat. It will focus mainly on the advantages of collaborative working in establishing effective supply chains, using case studies from Scotland and Scandinavia and will include a visit to a woodfuel harvesting site. http://www.northernwoodheat.net/htm/events.php

26th September Edinburgh: �The Scottish Parliament Explained� � a one day seminar which aims �to break some of the bad habits of Westminster� and make the Scottish Parliament more accessible. Similar events on 31st October �The Scottish Executive Explained� and on 28th November �Scottish Local Government Explained� can be viewed at http://www.holyrood.com/conference.asp

29th September, The Green House, Beechwood Park, Inverness. �New Directions in Social Enterprise� � theme is �social enterprise is proving that socially excluded communities and individuals can lead change� - a half day event which includes providing information on new sources of financial and other types of support for the social enterprise sector. Organised by EDAS (Economic Development Association Scotland) more details can be viewed on www.edascot.org.uk/event.php?id=27

4th October Highland Council Chambers, Inverness : �Future of the Scottish Tourism Industry� � a half day event which will discuss the future of the Scottish tourism industry under the leadership of VisitScotland�s Integrated Tourism Network. The seminar will provide an opportunity to hear from VisitScotland�s Director of Network Operations about how the new structure is working and also get a view from the trade. Discussion of the Tourism Information Centre network will also take place. To join the debate contact [email protected]

4th October 2005, Royal Museum Edinburgh - �Regenerating Scotland � Partnerships for Communities� � a one day conference. The regeneration of Scotland�s deprived communities is key to the Executive�s goal of breaking the cycle of deprivation, as well as raising personal and community ambitions. Community regeneration can be a potent economic driver for Scotland, as well as a major contributor to achieving social justice and sustainable development. The conference will examine both urban and rural regeneration in Scotland and will discuss the forthcoming Planning White Paper


Tues 11 October Glasgow Hilton Hotel, Scottish Enterprise Business Tourism annual conference �This year�s programme has been developed around feedback from previous participants and other Scottish business tourism professionals, incorporating areas which are important to you and will help your business to prosper in this challenging market. Sessions on branding and winning business through partnership, for example Warsaw Destination Alliance which was formed in February 2003 by a group of leading international hotels in Warsaw. Membership now includes associate businesses such as airlines, car rental companies, banks, restaurants, galleries, and museums. The group�s goal is to develop Warsaw as a preferred destination for business and leisure tourism, promoting the city as a perfect location for conferences and meetings.


Tuesday 25th to Friday 28th October Stirling University, Pathfoot Building �Making Knowledge Work� International Conference on Building Sustainable Communities through partnerships on place management, social capital and lifelong learning. - Organised by PASCAL an academic partnership interested in research and evaluation work, applied and theoretical, concerning policy and programmes for sustainable community development, especially involving a 'whole of government' (or linked-up) approach . PASCAL exists to learn, improve and exchange knowledge about ways of planning that succeed in building and supporting social capital and lifelong learning together with sustainable prosperity. The broad themes of the conference are those of PASCAL, namely place management, social capital and learning regions.http://www.obs-pascal.com/docs.php?doc=86

Monday 21st Tuesday 22 November, 8 Acres Hotel, Elgin. �Biomass Production: Energy from Forestry and Agriculture� � A conference, jointly hosted by Northern WoodHeat, North Sea Pro Bio Energy, Pro Bio, H&I Woodfuel Development Programme and H&I Community Energy Company. This event aims to bring together agricultural and forestry interests and lay the foundations for an integrated approach to the development of a rural biomass industry. Speakers will include provincial and national government officials and technical experts from throughout Europe. See http://www.northernwoodheat.net/htm/events/scotland.php

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