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1998 Bulletin IndexBulletins Index

Caithness Field Club

Caithness Field Club Bulletin
Vol 6 No 2

Field Club 1998 Summer Programme

Club outings start from the Railway Station Car Parks in Wick and Thurso and are on Sundays unless stated. The walks will not exceed 6 miles. Everyone comes at their own risk.

19 April. Bus trip Thurso 8.30am-Wick 9am-Helmsdale-Kildonan-Melvich-Thurso-Wick, led by Gordon Wilson with Marion Owen on the microphone. Cost including light lunch �8. Book 01847-892179.

10 May. Suisgill Burn (Strath of Kildonan), Iron-age settlements + gold-panning at old gold workings. Leave Thurso and Wick at 9.30am, joining up at Helmsdale toilet car park, about 10.20.

29-31 May, Club Weekend at Craig Darroch Lodge, Contin. Fully booked, but try Alan Abernethy, 01955-602702, for cancellations.

14 June, Exploration and botany of the Iron Age settlements behind the Kilphedir Brochs. Leave Thurso and Wick at 9.30am joining up at Helmsdale toilet car park, about 10.20.

21 June, Boat trip to Stroma, leaving GILLS HARBOUR at 11 am, costing �10. Book with Marion Owen 01847-892999.

1 July, Wednesday, Evening Walk South of Wick. Drive past the Coastguard Station and the Trinkie pool where we can park at 7.15pm. Alan Abernethy will arrange for a return car.

12 July, Warehouse Hill was shrouded in mist last year so this year Gordon Wilson will show us this area rich in cairns and stone rows. Leave Thurso 9.30am, Wick at 9.45, meeting at Whaligoe car park about 10.15.

2 August, Lough More to Backlass. Leaving Wick 9.30am and Thurso at 9.45 we park near the dam at Lough More about 10.15 and walk up the East track; stone circle, millstone + grain-kiln.


9 August, Archaeology Week: Wag of Forse. Broch, settlement, suterrain. Meet at Clan Gunn Museum car park, Latheron at 10.15am.


25 August, Tuesday, Evening Walk to the promontory fort wall of St John's point + time permitting, Scotland's Haven to see seals. Driving West from Gills, first turning to right, then right to park in a field by the Scotland's Haven signpost at 7.30pm.

? September, Architectural trip with "Northlands". See posters.

13th September, Walk from Torrisdale to Bettyhill seeing brochs, cairns, settlements, and the alpine plant collection. Leave Wick 9.30am, meeting in Thurso 10am.

27 September, Borgie River Forest, and the settlement just upstream. We will drive to the top of the forest track and walk back to the coast road where a car will be left to return the drivers. Leave Wick 9.30am meeting in Thurso 10am.

�  Copyright Caithness Field Club

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