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1998 Bulletin IndexBulletins Index

Caithness Field Club

Caithness Field Club Bulletin
Vol 6 No 2

Cannon Battery at Victoria Walk, Thurso.

By Geoff Leet

In the 1996 Bulletin George Watson and I described the 2-cannon Batteries at Mey and Castletown. We mentioned the 2nd Company at Thurso soon after 1859, and the building of a fine Drill Hall in 1873, now the Masonic Lodge in Olrig St. Below is an extract from a map, dated about 1900, which shows the 5-cannon Thurso Battery already in decline.

During the second World War, the site acquired some concrete foundations and, later, a Coastguard Watcher's hut, but a single sunken powder store from the Battery survived into the 1970s when it was demolished under the Job Creation scheme, to obtain stones for a flower bed.

�  Copyright Caithness Field Club

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