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October 1983 Index Bulletins Index

Caithness Field Club


vol. 3 No. 5 October 1983

Changes at the Top
We wish our Chairman, Peter Chare, and his family well in their new life in Luxembourg. Peter was also Editor of the Bulletin and we will miss his guiding touch. Some of Peter's duties fall on the able shoulders of our Vice Chairman, Gordon MacLachlan and this bulletin is being edited by Geoff Leet, who will gladly accept articles to pass on to the next editor proper.

Club Officers
Chairman:             Gordon MacLachlan, 34 John Kennedy Drive, Thurso
Secretary:             Agnes Wright, 19 Wellington Avenue, Wick
Treasurer:             Geoff Leet, 8 Burnside, Thurso.

Winter Programe 1983-84

6th November       Salmon spawning outing by D. Oliver leaving Wick and Thurso at.10 a.m.

26th November       Annual Dinner at the Rendezvous,, Wick, 7.30 P.m. for 8 p.m. �6. Miss N. Roloff will speak on "The Development of Wick since 1794. The bus will leave Thurso Railway Station at 7 P.m. via Halkirk and Watten.

8th February       Joint meeting with the S.O.C.: "Falkland Islands by K. Standring, Pentland Hotel at 8 p.m.

22nd February       Joint Meeting with the Wick Society at Assembly Rooms 7.30 P.m.

7th March       "Wilderness with People" by (?) Hunter at Thurso Technical College at 7.30 p.m.

26th April       Annual General Meeting 7.30 p.m. at Pentland Hotel, followed by "The Atlantic Seal" by Sir John Lister-Kaye.

The S.O.C. invite us also to their meetings on November 16th, Bob Swain, Birds of Canna - a long term study and March 7th, Eric Meek on Birds of Texas.

Further lectures offered by University of Aberdeen in association with Highland Region Education Committee (all at 7.30 P.m.) included:

"Romans in North Scotland", Mr. I. Keillar, 2nd November in Thurso Technical College.

"The Brahan Seer", Elizabeth Sutherland, 9th November in Heritage Centre, Wick and 10th November in Pentland Hotel, Thurso.

"Shetland", D. Omand. 21st March, Heritage Centre, Wick.

The Heritage Centre, Wick will be open at the New Year holiday.