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Thurso East Castle, Caithness
Map Ref: ND 124689

Thurso East Castle Photo Gallery
Thurso East Castle From The Air
Thurso East From Above At local Live

A large part of the castle was becoming dangerous due to poor construction of the later parts and much of it was demolished to make it safe in 1952.  The contractor who had the job of taking the roof off and demolishing other parts to make it safe was paid by being allowed to keep the lead from the roof.  What is left standing shows the height and number of floors that made it a very impressive structure given its position on the coast where it could be seen a long way off.

The original castle c.1660 was largely replaced by the castellated mansion that still dominates the skyline as a ruin.  Its position gave it marvellous views over Thurso Bay.  The replacement was built  1872 - 1878 by Sir Tollemache Sinclair and designed by David Smith who it is believed was also responsible for the Gatehouse.

The gatehouse to Thurso East Castle is something of a folly.  A decorative entrance  to the driveway leading to the castle.  It sits on a bend and cannot be missed as you approach Thurso from the Castletown road.  The mock castle structures of the gate house hides the fact that quite small house is contained within its walls.   The gate and Lodge are thought to be the work of the same Architect as the castle - namely David Smith.