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Bught O'Camm, Island Of Stroma,  Caithness
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A fort consisting of an earth and stone rampart blocking off the sheer-sided, level-topped promontory of Bught o'Camm to enclose an area some 70.0m N-S by 30.0m transversely. The rampart stands 1.0m high on the landward side and has an average spread of 6.0m. Towards the W end, stripping of the inside of the rampart has revealed slab-facing; at this point a width of 2.3m can be estimated. In from the E end is a 3.0m gap that may be an original entrance, but could be a later break. To the E of the gap, the rampart has been partially quarried away. There is no evidence of any structures within the fort. An early-modern drain follows the outside edge of the rampart to veer away towards the W.