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Caithness Biodiversity Index

Nature & Environment Index

The Sutherland Biodiversity Action Plan - October 2003

Priority Habitats:
The habitats listed below have been identified by the UK Biodiversity Steering Group as ‘priority habitats’ and are present in Sutherland. Habitat Action Plans or Statements have been prepared for these habitats, and are available on the website www.ukbap.org.uk . Additional local priorities, which are not covered by the national categories but are nonetheless important habitats in their own right, have been identified and are distinguished by an (L).

Habitat type: Section:
Maerl beds The Sea
Modiolus modiolus beds (horse mussel)
Mud habitats in deep water
Sheltered muddy gravels
Sublittoral sands and gravels
Tidal rapids

Coastal saltmarsh Beaches, dunes & machair
Coastal sand dunes
Coastal vegetated shingle
Saline lagoons
Seagrass beds
Beaches (L)

Lowland heathland (inc maritime heath)
Maritime cliff and slopes

Eutrophic standing waters Rivers & lochs
Mesotrophic lakes
Rivers & burns (L)
Lochs (L)


Coastal and floodplain grazing marsh
Lowland dry acid grassland
Lowland meadows
Purple moor grass and rush pasture
Upland hay meadows
Herb-rich grassland (L)

Cereal field margins
Arable crops (L)
Crofting mosaic (L)

Lowland wood pasture and parkland
Native pine woodlands
Upland mixed ashwoods
Upland oakwood
Wet woodland
Upland birch woodland (L)
Hazel woods (L)
Alder woods (L)
Upland scrub (L)

Coniferous plantations (L)
Policy woodland (L)

Limestone pavements
Upland calcareous grassland
Mountain (L)
Limestone areas (L)
Knock-and-lochan (L)

Blanket bog
Upland heathland

Parks & gardens (L)
Roadside verges (L)

The Sea



Beaches, dunes and machair




Coastal clifs & heaths

Rivers and lochs



Rough grassland



Arable crops & field margins


Semi-natural woodland





Plantation forestry





Town & village