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Grey Cairns of Camster 

 The cairns are well preserved having been restored some years ago.  They are sited two miles north of Camster and are well signposted from the A9.  Access is possible through low passageways.  There is no charge for admission to this national monument.  All that is asked is that you close the small gates as you leave to keep sheep out.  It is an unusual feeling to stand in these structures which are thousands of years old.  Information boards are posted to give visitors information.

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Round Cairn 15 Oct 2000
Archaeology Week

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Long views above the cairns
15 Oct 2000

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Long Cairn 15 Oct 2000

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Camster long cairn 
15 Oct 2000

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Camster long cairn
Board walk over peat bog
15 Oct 2000

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Back Stone Camster Long
15 Oct 2000
Was this the entrance
 to the after life?

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Picture of Round Cairn from Margaret Bates

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Path to Cairn From 
Margaret Bates

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Cotton Grass grows around the cairn mixed with the heather

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Looking out 

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 Looking From the Round Cairn to the Long Cairn

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A boardwalk takes you over the peat bog to these ancient structures.

The low passageways and complete silence inside gives an unusual feeling of being transported back several thousand years.  Small Glass panels put in during the restoration work give a low level of lighting.
For a more in depth paper on the Grey Cairns  by Amelia Pannett archaeology graduate at Cardiff university Click Here