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Dunbeath Heritage Centre

Map of Area

Neil Gunn

A to Z

A village sitting at the mouth of the Dunbeath Water reaching its end after flowing through a broad strath to arrive at Portormin Harbour.  The cliffs on the south side are overlooked by the stunning Dunbeath Castle perched right on the edge and said to have underground tunnels. The castle dates from the 14th century.  A fishing village whose importance declined as small fishing boats became less profitable.   Small boats still use the harbour mainly for creel fishing. The village is also the birth place of Neil Gunn (1891 � 1973) the famous writer and novelist from the county.  Just outside Dunbeath a 19th century whalebone arch still stands but this is thought to be from a stranded whale rather than evidence of whaling.  The Dunbeath Broch is reckoned to be about 2000 years old.

Dunbeath harbour itself was built about 1800 and in 1814 had 155 boats.  At one time ice was cut in the river in winter and stored in the ice house at the harbour.

The Heritage Centre
Just outside the village holds a great deal of information about the area and details of the varied history and where to see it.

A very interesting walk(40 Pictures) can be taken from the old mill and many interesting features are to be found along the way.  A leaflet is available at the Dunbeath Heritage centre describing the route and features.

The area is rich in wildlife and easily spotted are cormorant, shag, fulmar, puffin, eider duck, seals and otters.  The strath also has a large numbers of deer although these are more timid and a bit of luck is required or lots of patience.

Heading north on the A9 road about half a mile will bring you to a very interesting croft museum run by local people called Llaidhay Croft Museum.  This shows a croft from the eighteenth century and has house, byre and  stables all under one roof.  It is packed with artefacts donated by local people.   A huge range of household items and farm implements can be seen. 

Dunbeath Castle

Dunbeath Harbour

Dusk at Dunbeath Harbour April 2001

War Memorial

Restored At Ballacladdich

Dunbeath Bay From South


Dunbeath Health Centre

Village along the river

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By the Harbour

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Looking Upriver

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Old & New Bridges

Initiative At The Edge - SE Caithness
Dunbeath Archaeological Survey
More Dunbeath Pictures
Church Of Scotland Dunbeath

Dunbeath Primary School
New School Pictures 30 March 2001
Dunbeath Village Hall
Field Club Outing to Dunbeath 3 September 2000
Over 40 pictures taken on a walk up the Dunbeath strath on 17 December 2000
Map of Area

Waves At Dunbeath 18 February 2006

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Neil Gunn Section

Kenn And The Salmon from Neil Gunn's book "Highland River" erected in 1991 Centenary of authors birth.
Neil Gunn Readers Group

Dunbeath Highland Games 18 July 2003

Into Dunbeath 9 November 2001

Heilean Coo At Dunbeath

Neil Gunn

Dunbeath Post Office